Tears pricked my eyes as she laced me into the dress, then fussed with my short hair until it lay just so. “I’m scared,” I admitted in a whisper.
“I know.” She held my hands tightly. “I was too. But look at me now - married to my heart’s mate, accepted by his people. If I can do it, you certainly can.”
A soft tap on the pavilion’s support pole interrupted us. “Are you ladies ready?” Tharon called. “The city awaits.”
Lita gave me one final critical look, then nodded approval. “Show them who you are,” she whispered before ducking out.
I emerged into sunlight that caught the dress’s crystal beading, sending rainbow sparkles dancing. Tharon’s intake of breath was audible.
“Perfect,” he breathed, extending his hand.
The procession into Zashi began at a stately pace, giving me time to absorb everything. We entered through the market district first, where stalls overflowed with exotic goods from across the lands. Spice merchants called their wares in musical voices while fabric sellers displayed brilliant silks that rivaled the sky for color. Children darted between the stalls, their laughter bright and free.
The craft quarter came next, workshops with their doors thrown wide to show apprentices learning freely from masters. A glassblower shaped molten crystal into impossible forms while a weaponsmith’s hammer rang against steel in counterpoint to the city’s heartbeat.
I couldn’t stop staring.
As we entered the noble district, the architecture grew more formal. Gardens and fountains offered cool respite from the mountain sun. Nobles emerged onto balconies to watch our progress, their reactions ranging from open curiosity to careful assessment.
Tharon’s presence beside me remained steady, protective. His beast’s warning growl vibrated through me whenever someone’s gaze lingered too long or too coldly.
The palace itself took my breath away. Crystal gardens caught and amplified the afternoon light, creating displays that put even my Temple-enhanced dreams to shame. Servants bowed as they led us to private chambers where I could refresh before formal presentation to the king.
“I need to meet with my father first. I’ll leave you with Lita,” Tharon murmured, pressing a kiss to my palm. “Take what time you need.”
As soon as he’d left the room, I sank onto a cushioned bench. “This is really happening?”
“It is.” Lita sat beside me, taking my hands in hers. “And you’re handling it beautifully.”
“Tell me everything.” I turned to face her properly. “How did you end up with Drax? What’s it like being married to a prince? How do you handle all of...this?” I gestured vaguely at our opulent surroundings.
She laughed. “One question at a time! But I have a much more pressing question - how did you tame Tharon? He’s not exactly known for his kindness.”
“He found me.” I smiled at the memory. “When I thought the guards would drag me back to the Temple, he was suddenly there. He protected me, helped me, showed me I could trust again.” My voice softened. “He makes me feel safe, cherished.”
“I understand completely.” Lita’s expression turned dreamy. “That’s how it was with Drax too. When you find your true mate, everything just...falls into place.”
A tap at the door interrupted us. A servant entered with refreshments - tiny cakes and fruit I’d never seen before, fragrant tea that smelled of mountain flowers.
“The king will see you in an hour,” she announced before withdrawing.
My stomach clenched. “Lita...”
“You’ll be fine.” She nodded decisively. “Sarl can be...imposing, but he’s fair. And he’ll see how happy you make his son.”
While we ate, she filled me in on palace life - which nobles could be trusted, which servants would help without question, which gardens offered the most privacy for moments alone. I tried to absorb it all, but my mind kept spinning back to the upcoming audience.
Eventually, Lita helped me make final adjustments to my appearance. The blue silk flowed like water, crystal beading catching the light with every movement. My short red hair had been arranged to emphasize its unusual color rather than hide it.
“Perfect,” Lita declared, stepping back. “Now go show them exactly who you are.”
I crossed to the chamber’s window, looking out over the city I would help rule. Smoke rose from craft quarter forges while children’s laughter drifted up from the gardens below. So different from Terr’s rigid control, its fear-wrapped traditions.
I belonged here, I realized. Despite my differences, despite my past - this was home now.
Tharon’s reflection appeared behind mine in the glass. “Ready?”
I spun to look at him, admiring how he carried the formal court dress - all sleek lines and barely contained power. “Ready.”