“Because you showed them exactly who you are.” I nipped at her bare shoulder. “My brilliant, beautiful mate.”

Her smile turned wicked as she pressed closer. “Now then, I believe I made you a promise earlier...”

The beast growled approval as I backed her toward the bed. Let them hear, I thought as I claimed her mouth.


Iheld my breath, hardly daring to believe the sight before me.

Blue rooftops spread across the valley below, a sea of azure tiles stretching from mountain slope to mountain slope. The castle palace perched on a distant spire overlooking what Tharon had called the Strait of Fear, though from this height the water looked peaceful enough.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathed, adjusting my grip on the villart’s reins.

Tharon’s chest rumbled against my back. “Wait until you see it up close.”

The clear air drew everything in sharp relief, making the city look pristine and welcoming despite its fearsome reputation. I’d expected something darker, more forbidding from the stories I’d heard of the Shakai capital.

“There’s no wall,” I said as we descended the path.

“Around the castle, yes. Two of them. The city itself?” Tharon shook his head. “Too large to wall completely.”

“I’ve never seen anything like it.” My eyes traced the impossible architecture - living gardens spilling down terraced walls, bridges spanning between spires that seemed to float on air.

“See there?” His hand stretched past my shoulder, pointing to different sections of the sprawling city. “The merchant quarter with its covered markets. The craft district where our artisans work. And there-” his finger traced upward to where the castle perched against the mountainside “-our home.”

Our home. The words sent an electric thrill through me, equal parts excitement and terror. What would they think of their prince’s human mate?

“They’ll love you,” Tharon murmured, reading my tension. “How could they not?”

A cloud of dust on the horizon caught my attention before I could respond. Riders approached, their banners snapping in the mountain wind.

“The welcoming party,” Tharon explained, straightening in the saddle behind me. “Including my brother.”

I studied the approaching group. At the front rode two figures - one massive and broad-shouldered, the other smaller and definitely female. As they drew closer, a familiar face emerged.

“Lita!” The name burst from my lips. She looked different astride her mount, dressed in Shakai finery, but her smile was exactly as I remembered.

The larger rider beside her must be Drax then - Tharon’s half-brother.

The honor guard fanned out around us, their formal dress glinting with silver accents. I fought the urge to shrink back against Tharon as dozens of eyes fixed on me.

“Welcome home, brother.” Drax’s voice carried easily across the space between us. His gaze shifted to me, curious but not unkind. “And welcome to you, Niam. We’ve heard much about you.”

Before I could formulate a proper response, Lita had dismounted and was rushing forward. “Oh, look at you! I knewyou’d win over those bastards.” She caught my hands in hers as Tharon helped me down. “But mated to this guy? That I didn’t expect.”

“Neither did I,” I admitted, taking in my friend's appearance - healthy, happy, away from the Temple's oppressive control.

“Speaking of which...” Lita released me long enough to gesture to a guard, who brought forward a wrapped package. “You’re going to be a princess. You can’t enter the city in traveling clothes. I have a present from Denna, ready for you.”

I glanced down at my dusty riding gear, suddenly conscious of how I must look. “I didn’t think...”

“That’s what friends are for.” Lita’s smile turned conspiratorial. “Come on, let’s get you ready.”

The guards efficiently erected two small pavilions - one for Tharon to change, one for Lita to help me. Inside, she carefully unwrapped layers of silk in deep blues and silvers.

“It’s beautiful.” I touched the fabric reverently. The cut followed traditional Shakai styling but I could see now the adjustments that blended Wandering Nation themes. “But I don’t know if I can...I’m not...”

“You are.” Lita’s hands were gentle as she helped me out of my travel clothes. “You will be their queen, Niam. And you’ll be an amazing one.”