“You continue to surprise them,” I murmured as we climbed the steps to the main building.

“Good.” She smiled, just a bit, but enough. “They’ll need to get used to surprises.”

The trading post hummed with activity despite the late hour. The sharp scent of smoke mixed with rich mountain spices as servers carried steaming platters between tables. DifferentShakai dialects wove together - the liquid tones of the high clans contrasting with the rougher mountain trader speech. Conversation stuttered briefly as we entered, then resumed at a lower volume.

The innkeeper hurried forward, his weathered face creasing in a welcoming smile. “Your Highness! We’re honored by your return.” His gaze moved to Niam, curiosity warring with courtesy. “And your companion...”

“My mate.” I kept my tone mild, but the beast’s growl underscored the words.

His eyes widened slightly before he covered his surprise with a deeper bow. “My lady. Welcome to the Costach Mos Inn. Please, follow me. Your rooms are ready.”

As we crossed the room, I caught fragments of whispered conversations.

Niam’s grip tightened on my hand, but she held her head high. Let them talk. Let them see how their prince had chosen. How his mate carried herself with quiet dignity despite their stares.

The innkeeper led us to a suite on the uppermost level, its windows offering sweeping views of the valley below. A fire already burned in the hearth, warming the mountain-chilled air.

“Will you take dinner here or in the common room?” he asked, lighting additional lamps.

I looked to Niam, letting her choose. She considered for a moment before answering.

“The common room, I think.” Her chin lifted slightly. “They might as well get used to seeing me.”

The innkeeper nodded approval before withdrawing, leaving us alone.

I pulled her into my arms. “You continue to amaze me.”

She pressed closer, some of her tension easing. “I’m terrified they’ll see right through me. That they’ll know I’m making it up as I go along.”

“You’re doing perfectly.” I tilted her face up for a gentle kiss. “And you’re not alone. I’m right here beside you.”

Her smile sent warmth coursing through me. “I know. It's the only reason I'm brave enough to try.”

“You’ve always been brave.” I traced her cheek with my thumb. “I’m just honored to stand with you now.”

She rose on her toes to kiss me properly, her hands sliding into my hair. The beast rumbled approval, urging me to take more. To show everyone exactly who she belonged to.

But she pulled back with a knowing smile. “Later. After dinner.”

I growled playfully. “Promise?”

“Promise.” She stepped away to straighten her clothes. “Now help me look presentable. If I’m going to face their scrutiny, I’d rather not do it with my hair in complete disarray.”

I couldn’t resist stealing one more kiss before helping her smooth her travel-mussed appearance. My beautiful, brave mate.

The common room fell silent as we descended the stairs. Every eye turned to watch our progress, speculation clear on their faces. But Niam simply tightened her grip on my arm and kept walking, head held high.

The innkeeper had reserved a table near the hearth, slightly elevated above the main floor. Heat from the fire chased away the mountain chill, while the elevation gave us a clear view of the room.

As I held Niam’s chair, conversations slowly resumed around us. Traders gestured over cups of spiced wine, their jeweled rings catching the firelight. A group of mountain clan warriors huddled over maps in one corner, while merchants haggled.

“They’re not sure what to make of me,” Niam murmured, accepting a cup of wine from a serving girl. “Good.” I settled beside her, close enough that our shoulders touched. “Let them wonder. You’ll show them soon enough.”

And she would, I thought. Let them spread word of how the prince’s human mate held her own among mountain traders. How she built bridges between peoples with nothing more than genuine interest and quiet dignity.

When we finally retired for the night, Niam practically glowed with accomplishment.

“That went better than I expected,” she admitted as I helped her out of her travel clothes.