His laugh rumbled through his chest. “Worth it?”
“Definitely worth it.” I nuzzled into his chest. “Though we should probably get up soon. Denna and Korrin will be leaving...”
He silenced me with a kiss that quickly grew heated. “They won’t leave without saying goodbye.” His mouth moved to my throat. “We have time.”
“Tharon...” But my protest dissolved into a gasp as his hand slid lower.
“Yes?” His voice held wicked amusement. “Did you want something?”
Two could play at that game. I shifted deliberately against him, drawing a growl. “I can think of a few things.”
His eyes darkened. “Show me.”
The sun was well up by the time we finally made it downstairs. Denna took one look at us and grinned knowingly. Even Korrin’s usually stoic expression held a hint of amusement.
“Sleep well?” Denna asked innocently.
Heat crept up my neck. “Very well, thank you.”
Tharon’s arm settled possessively around my waist.
The innkeeper approached with his usual quiet efficiency, setting out plates of fresh bread and fruit. “Will you be requiring the room another night, my lord?”
Tharon’s hand tightened slightly on my waist. “Yes. We’ll leave for Zashi tomorrow.”
My heart skipped at the reminder. Tomorrow we’d start the journey to my new home. To our future together. The thought should have been terrifying, but with Tharon beside me, it felt right.
Denna caught my hand across the table. “You’ll do wonderfully, you know. The court won’t know what hit them.”
“They better not give her any trouble,” Tharon growled. “Or they’ll answer to me.”
“To all of us,” Korrin added quietly. “The Wanderers stand with our friends.”
Warmth filled my chest at their support. Such a change from the isolation of the Temple - now I had people willing to fight for me, to stand beside me. Family.
After breakfast, we gathered in the courtyard for goodbyes. Denna wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tight.
“Take care of yourself,” she whispered. “And him too. He needs you more than he’ll admit.”
“I will.” I squeezed her tight. “Visit soon? Before the baby comes?”
“Try to stop me.” She stepped back, wiping her eyes. “Besides, someone needs to make sure this one knows how to properly spoil their aunt.”
Korrin clasped arms with Tharon, speaking too quietly for me to hear. Whatever he said made Tharon nod seriously. Then they were mounting up, waving final goodbyes as they rode east.
I watched until they disappeared around the bend in the road. Tharon’s arms came around me from behind, pulling me back against his chest.
“They’ll visit soon,” he promised. “And we have work to do before then.”
I turned in his embrace. “Oh?”
His eyes caught me, drawing me in. “Making sure my mate is properly pampered before we face court politics.”
“And how do you plan to do that?”
His smile sent heat racing through my veins. “Come upstairs and find out.”
I laughed as he swept me into his arms, carrying me toward the stairs. But as I snaked my arms around his neck, I caught a glimpse of our reflection in a window - his powerful frame cradling my smaller one, both of us transformed by love into something stronger together than apart.