The rebellion had begun. Now we just had to make it count.


My boots rang against the metal floor with each step, the strange texture under my feet more organic than anything I expected in a Temple. Dim blue-green lights cast strange shadows as we moved deeper into the maintenance tunnels, pulsing at a rhythm that set my teeth on edge.

“This way.” Niam ran her fingers along the wall, tracing patterns I couldn’t see. Her movements grew more confident with each turn, as if the pod had awakened something buried deep in her mind.

Our rag men’s disguises hung in tatters now, stained and torn from crawling through endless maintenance shafts. Not that it mattered anymore - we were well past the point where blending in would help.

“The ship crashed here centuries ago.” Niam’s voice barely carried over the constant thrumming beneath our feet. “The original colonists built Terr around it, using what technology they could salvage. But the priests...” She sighed mournfully. “They took something beautiful and twisted it.”

“How?” I steadied her arm as she stumbled over an uneven section of flooring. The metal vibrated under my enhancedsenses, carrying echoes of ancient machinery still grinding away in the depths.

“The ship was designed to work with its crew, not consume them. Neural interfaces that enhanced communication, allowed true cooperation.” Her fingers brushed against scarred temples. “The priests corrupted that, turned voluntary connection into forced integration. But the original systems still exist, untouched. If I can reach them...”

I nodded, though unease crawled up my spine. We hadn't seen a single guard since entering this section. No patrols, no checkpoints. Just empty posts where occupants had clearly been recently.

“Something’s wrong.” I pulled her closer as we entered a vast chamber spanning multiple levels. Ancient machinery cast writhing shadows across curved walls. “Look at the floor.”

Boot prints marked the dust - multiple sets, all fresh.

“They knew we were coming.” The air currents shifted, carrying new scents. “They’ve opened other access points.”

My Valti clawed at its restraints, urging me to get Niam to safety. But she barely noticed, too focused on our goal.

“We’re close.” The device from the pod glowed painfully bright now, casting stark shadows across her face. “The primary control center is just ahead.”

The chamber that opened before us stretched up into darkness, its vaulted ceiling lost in shadow. A pillar of pure light dominated the center, stretching from floor to ceiling. Around it, elegant chairs formed a perfect circle - nothing like the brutal integration pods I’d seen in the Temple above.

Crystalline structures floated in defiance of gravity, casting rainbow reflections across ancient displays covered in flowing script.

“This is where it all began.” Niam’s voice held wonder and grief in equal measure. “Where the original crew guided the shipthrough space, working together as one mind.” She touched one of the chairs. “I need to connect here, trigger the emergency protocols. It’s the only way to shut down the Temple’s network.”

The metal floor vibrated beneath my boots, ancient machinery whining deep in the sphere’s core. The strange light from the central pillar painted her skin in shifting patterns, making me snarl at the wrongness of it.

“I need to connect.” Niam’s fingers traced delicate patterns across crystalline surfaces I barely understood. “The interface will let me access the original systems.”

My hackles rose. After what she’d told me about the Temple’s abuse of such technology, the thought of her plugging into these ancient systems made my Valti snarl in protest.

But we’d come too far to back down now.

“How long?”

“Minutes, if I can find the right protocols.” She settled into the nearest chair, which responded with a soft chime. A delicate mesh of crystal strands descended from above, hovering over her head like a crown of ice. “Whatever happens, don’t let them stop me.”

“Never.” I circled the chair as she closed her eyes, the mesh settling against her skin with tiny flashes of light. The beast inside me paced restlessly, not liking how vulnerable she looked.

A hidden panel slid open in the wall behind me.

Then another.

And another.

Temple guards emerged from the darkness, their black robes marked with the sigils of their rank. Firewhips crackled to life in their hands, casting harsh shadows across the spherical chamber. Behind them came warriors in ceremonial armor, curved swords gleaming in the strange light.

“They’re using my neural signature.” Niam’s words came slow, distant. “They knew we were coming. Let the rebellion create chaos while they waited here for us.”

The firewhips hummed with lethal promise as the guards spread out across all three levels. The familiar scent of ozone filled the air, making my nose burn.