A massive shadow passed overhead without warning - a skyclaw, its hunting screech splitting the night. Its wingspan blocked out the stars, leathery membrane stretched between razor-sharp talons. Before I could move, another drone’s whine approached from the east.

“Perfect timing,” Denna muttered, already leading her mount deeper into cover.

I grabbed Niam’s reins, guiding both our villarts under an overhang. The others followed, movements smooth frompractice. We froze as the skyclaw dove, passing between us and the approaching drone.

Natural predator versus mechanical hunter. The drone’s sensors would be overwhelmed by the larger target. If we stayed absolutely still...

The skyclaw screamed again, this time in triumph as it caught something in the darkness. The drone passed overhead without pausing.

“That worked better than it should have,” Mila whispered once the sounds had faded.

“Let’s not push our luck.” I checked the position of the false dawn lighting the eastern sky. “We need shelter soon.”

Niam pointed to a barely visible crack in the cliff face. “There. I can feel the air moving.”

The cave system proved perfect - multiple exits, natural ventilation, enough space for all of us and the mounts. Everyone fell into their roles without discussion - securing the villarts, setting up camp, sharing water and dried meat.

I watched them as we gathered for a final planning session. Mila’s confident grace as she detailed the waste tunnel layout. Denna’s quiet authority discussing guard rotations. Ashur and Korrin adding tactical suggestions without attempting to take control.

And Niam bringing it all together into a workable plan.

“Three drones.” Ashur’s voice cut through my thoughts. “Coming in fast.”

Dawn light spilled across the valley floor, but the sunrise shadows still worked in our favor. We moved like water over stone, each person knowing exactly where to go.

The first glimpse of Terr knocked the breath from my lungs - massive walls rising from the rocky ground, temple spires stark against the lightening sky. That metallic taste filled my mouth, making me want to spit.

Niam’s hand found mine in the darkness. I squeezed her fingers, letting her strength flow into me.

We found our day shelter just as true dawn broke - a cave system hidden by thick forest growth, with clear sight lines to the city. The villarts settled quickly, used to strange places by now.

“Rest while you can,” Korrin said as he took first watch. “Tonight won’t be easy.”

Niam and I claimed a small alcove, private enough for a moment alone. She nestled into my embrace, her heartbeat steady against mine.

“Having second thoughts?” she whispered, her fingers tracing the line of my jaw.

“About helping you? Never.” I leaned closer, losing myself in her eyes. “About letting you walk back into that place? Every breath.”

“I have to do this.”

“I know.” I held her closer. “That’s why I’m here.”

She tilted her face up, moonlight dusting her features. “I don’t deserve you.”

“You deserve everything.” I captured her lips with mine, pouring all my fear and pride and love into the kiss. “And I’ll help you take it.”

She smiled against my mouth. “Even if it means pretending to be a rag man?”

“Even then.” I nuzzled her neck. “Though if anyone laughs at me, I’m eating them.”

Her quiet laugh eased my tension. We settled into comfortable silence, listening to the others find their rest spots. Weapons stayed within easy reach, but the fear had faded to background noise.

Tonight, we’d enter the city. Tonight, we’d begin dismantling the nightmare that had shaped my mate’s life. Tonight, we’d learn if all our planning was enough.

There wasn’t any choice.