“I have to go back. You don’t.”

“Actually, we do.” Mila crossed her arms. “My cousin still works the tannery. Denna’s brother guards the fifth ring gate. We have people who’ll help us.”

I stroked Niam’s shoulders, feeling the subtle tremors running through her body. “Your friends are right about needing help.”

She tilted her head back to glare at me. “Don’t you start.”

“I won’t stay behind.” My fingers flexed against her skin. “The sewers run deep enough to hide me. I’ll find a way.”

“You can’t. The risk-”

“Is mine to take.” I leaned down, bringing my face close to hers. “You are my mate. That is all that matters.”

“Tharon.” She pressed her palm to my cheek. “Please. I need you safe. If something happens to me-”

“Nothing will happen to you.” My words were thick with growls. “Because I’ll be there to prevent it.”

Ashur cleared his throat. “The Temple knows what a Valti looks like now. They’ll be watching for us.”

“Let them watch the gates and walls.” I straightened, but kept one hand on Niam’s shoulder. “While we slip beneath their feet like water through stone.”

“It’s suicide,” Niam whispered.

“No.” I pulled her chair around to face me, crouching to meet her eyes. “It’s survival. Yours. Mine. All of us.” I caught her hands in mine. “Trust me to protect you, just as I trust you to do what must be done.”

“The prince is right.” Ashur pushed away from the wall. “There's always a way. We just haven’t found it yet.”

“It’s suicide.” Niam shook her head. “The Temple guards-”

“Will be looking for escaped temple girls and Shakai warriors.” Korrin’s lips curved. “Not common workers.”

“And definitely not rag men.” Mila’s eyes lit with sudden amusement.

I frowned. “Rag men?”

“The lowest rank in the eighth ring.” She gestured to the crude map. “They handle waste disposal, clear blocked drains. No one looks at them - they’re basically untouchable.”

“They keep their faces covered,” Denna added. “To block the smell.”

A laugh bubbled up from within. I'd spent my life climbing to the peak of power, manipulating court politics, building alliances. And now I'd willingly become the lowest of the low.

“From prince to sewage worker.” I squeezed Niam’s shoulders. “At least the company will be good.”

She reached up to cover my hand with hers. “You’d really do that?”

“For you?” I bent to brush my lips against her hair. “Without hesitation.”

Ashur cleared his throat. “If we’re doing this, we need supplies. Clothing, equipment...”

“I can help with that.” Mila straightened. “My family were leather workers in the eighth ring. I still have contacts there.”

“We’ll need a backup plan,” Korrin said. “In case things go wrong.”

I nodded. “Denna, what do you know about guard rotations? Shift changes?”

She bent over the map again, adding notes in precise strokes. “The inner rings change guards at dawn and dusk. But the outer rings are more irregular...”

The conversation flowed around me as they discussed details - supplies needed, routes to take, contingency plans. But my focus stayed on Niam, on the slight tremor in her hands as she traced patterns on the map.