My heart squeezed at her simple honesty. I wrapped my cloak around her shoulders, guiding her to sit by the fire. “Here. Let me get you something to eat.”

She watched through half-closed eyes as I prepared a simple meal, fighting sleep even as exhaustion pulled at her. When I handed her the food, she picked at it listlessly.

“You need to eat.”

“Why aren’t you closer to the pod?” she asked instead of responding.

I considered my answer carefully. “The technology... it feels wrong somehow. Like oil on my skin.”

“Because you’re Shakai?”

“Maybe. Or because I’m Valti. I don’t know.” I shrugged, trying to cast off the sensation. “Tell me about where you grew up, before the Temple.”

Her shoulders hunched slightly. “I don’t remember much. I was very young when they took me.”

The beast snarled at the pain in her voice, but my tone remained gentle. “Tell me what you do remember.”

“I think... there were gardens?” Her brow furrowed. “And someone used to sing to me. A woman with red hair like mine.”

I shifted closer, letting her lean against me as her words grew slower, more slurred. “Your mother?”

“Maybe. The Temple tried to make us forget...” She yawned. “Everything from before.”

“But they didn’t succeed. You’re still you.”

Her head dropped to my shoulder. “Am I? Sometimes I don’t know anymore...”

I gathered her closer as her voice trailed off, sleep finally winning the battle. She nestled trustingly into my embrace, completely defenseless. The beast purred with satisfaction while the man in me marveled at her faith in my protection.

I adjusted her carefully, making sure she was comfortable without waking her. The fire painted shadows across her face, highlighting the delicate arch of her cheekbones, the slightfurrow between her brows that even sleep didn’t completely smooth away.

What came next? How could I protect her while supporting the mission that drove her? The Temple had to be stopped - that much was clear. But not at the cost of her life.

The beast prowled restlessly beneath my skin as plans formed and dissolved. We’d need allies, resources. Ways to fight an enemy that used technology I barely understood.

But those were problems for tomorrow. Tonight, my mate slept, safe in my arms, while I maintained my watch. The rest would come in time.

I dropped a kiss on her temple, breathing in her scent. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together. I would find a way to help her succeed while keeping her safe.

The beast rumbled agreement. After all, what good was power if not used to protect what mattered most?


Warmth enveloped me, the comforting scent of Tharon’s cloak wrapped around my shoulders. The darkness of the cave made time impossible to measure - had I slept for minutes or hours? My skin tingled with memories of his touch, phantom sensations that made focusing difficult.

The mission. I needed to focus on the mission. But my treacherous mind kept drifting back to the touch of his hands, the careful exploration that had awakened things I’d never known my body could feel.

I rolled onto my side, finding Tharon sprawled nearby. Sleep softened the harsh lines of his face, made him look younger somehow. The beast’s ferocity gave way to something almost peaceful.

The pod called to me, its systems humming just at the edge of perception. I should wake him, tell him what I planned. But he’d looked so tired earlier, fighting against the pod’s strange energy.

I slipped from beneath his cloak, moving as quietly as possible toward the metallic structure. Of course, he’d positioned himself between me and the tunnel entrance - even in sleep, his protective instincts remained strong.

When had I started trusting him so completely? The Temple had taught us never to rely on others, that attachment led only to pain. But something about Tharon felt... right. As if a piece of myself I hadn’t known was missing had finally clicked into place.

The pod’s interior welcomed me with familiar curves and angles. I settled at the main console, trying to focus on the task at hand. But memories of last night kept intruding - the warmth of his skin, the careful way he’d touched me despite the beast’s obvious hunger.

This was entirely new territory. Oh, I'd overheard whispered conversations among the girls who had lived outside of the Temple for longer than I had, fragments of knowledge about physical pleasure. But experiencing it myself? That had never seemed possible.