My face went hot with humiliation, but I gave a terse nod. It was smarter to conserve what little energy I had left. I allowed him to take some of my weight, leaning into that frame of steel and trying not to focus too hard on the tingles his touch ignited.
We made our way down the mountain in silence, every placement of my boots calculated and slow. The valley spread out before us in a vista of lush green - patches of untamed forest interspersed with wildflower meadows. My breath caught at the sheer natural beauty of it, so different from the stark confines of Terr.
A sudden vibration against my hip made me jump. I fumbled in my robe pocket for the device, my fingers closing around the cold metal casing. As I withdrew it, a faint blue light flickered to life, almost like a guiding beacon shining from the cracks between the components.
The beam pointed resolutely to the northwest. Could this be showing us the way? Towards what - freedom? Or something more sinister lying in wait?
“Look.” Tharon’s deep voice pulled me from my reverie. His gaze was locked on the valley floor, sharp eyes missing nothing.
I followed the line of his outstretched arm and spotted what had caught his notice - faint paths winding through the trees in a telltale weave. My heart leapt. Game trails.
Tharon shot me a look filled with dark promises. “Lead on, little one. I’ll try to keep up.”
The purple dusk crept over the mountains. My keen sight picked up every dip and ridge in the path ahead, but Niam stumbled more with each step. The night creatures stirred - I caught their scents on the wind. Predators. Not close enough to threaten us, yet, but moving in our direction.
“We need shelter,” I said.
Niam’s chin lifted. “I can keep going.”
A lie, but an admirable one. Her determination only made me want her more. The curve of her neck as she looked up at me... I clenched my fists, forced myself to focus on our surroundings.
There. A dark slash in the rock face. I knew these mountains - hunters used the natural caves as temporary camps. “This way.”
She followed without argument. Progress. When we first met, she’d have demanded explanations for every decision.
I strode ahead to check the cave entrance. Old scent marks from a belevashka, but months stale. No fresh tracks. Safe enough.
“Wait here.”
I ducked inside, nostrils flaring as I tested the air. The cave stretched back maybe twenty feet, ceiling high enough to stand. Dry. Protected from the wind.
“All clear.” I emerged to find Niam leaning against the rock wall, though she straightened quickly when she saw me. My hands itched to carry her inside, to shelter her beneath my cloak and guard her sleep. But she'd hate that.
Her next step faltered. Before I could stop myself, my hand shot out to grasp her elbow.
“I’m fine,” she snapped, jerking away.
“Of course,” I replied, voice carefully neutral. “The cave's dry. We should rest while we can.”
She hesitated, then nodded. “Just for a little while.”
I let her enter first, watching how she masked her exhaustion. Such fierce pride in that small frame. My mate. Mine to protect, whether she wanted it or not.
The thought of anyone else touching her...
I shook off the surge of possessiveness. She wasn’t ready for that conversation. Not yet.
Dead branches crackled under my boots as I gathered brush near the cave entrance. Every few steps, I glanced back at Niam. She sat cross-legged against the far wall, the device balanced on her knees. Her fingers traced its edges with a delicate precision that made my skin burn.
The wind shifted, carrying her scent to me - incense mixed with something uniquely her. My hands crushed the branch I held.
The rockslide had taken our mount, the bedding, the supplies I’d carefully packed.
And the suppressant.
Already the Valti stirred beneath my skin, demanding I claim what was mine.