“Yeah, well, I think we all needed something to celebrate.”
“It all happened so fast.” She looked down at the wedding band on her finger and twisted it.
“You don’t have any regrets, do you?” He sat up, studying her closely. If she did, his heart would break. Living a life without her sweetness wasn’t an option.
Her head snapped up. “No, not one. You’re my forever, you silly man.”
They reached for each other, lacing their fingers, focused on the platinum bands they each wore.
“I’m glad I can give you a new last name. Even though it was self-given.”
“It’s yours and that’s all that matters,” she said. “And, you gave me more than one. I feel like I have aliases—Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. Saint, Mrs. Vasilevsky.”
She chuckled.
“They’re all yours, Mia Grace. Choose whichever one you want.”
“I’m choosing Mia Vasilevsky.”
He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. Hearing her say their combined names was music to his ears.
“And it will be our children’s.” She tilted her head, cheeks turning pink. “If you want kids, that is.”
“I want everything with you,kotyonok.”
She touched the tattoo above his ring. The circle with a dot inside that marked him as an orphan.
“You have a family now,” she whispered. “I think we should get this covered.”
The idea of having his own family—a wife, a couple of rugrats, maybe a dog—filled a hole in his heart. No one had ever wanted him and now this amazing woman was his wife, his home, his life.
His reason.
“You don’t have to rely on only yourself ever again,” she assured him.
The purest joy flowed through him and he could’ve sworn his heart nearly burst. Their mouths came together and they tumbled back in a tangle of limbs, deciding to stay in bed a little longer.
After lingering in bed and then taking an extra long shower, which ended up with Nik’s face between her thighs, Mia yawned as they walked into the common area of the warehouse, hand in hand. Her new husband certainly knew how to wear her out.
The team was already up, drinking coffee and talking in the living room area.
“What’s going on?” Nik asked jovially. “After consuming all that vodka, I thought you’d all be in bed nursing hangovers.”
Gray touched his temple, flinching. “Please, lower your voice.”
Mia couldn’t help but smile. She’d taken a few small sips, but nothing major, and Nik needed to drink a helluva lot beforeit affected him. Her man was just too big. Plus, he was used to the stuff.
“Grab some coffee and I’ll fill you guys in,” Braxton stated.
Uh oh.That didn’t sound good.
After pouring some caffeinated goodness, they headed over to the somber group. Nik sat down in the big leather chair, pulling Mia onto his lap. “Who died?” he joked.
Everyone looked at Braxton. “That would be me. Well, almost, anyway,” he stated, holding up a bandaged hand.
“What happened?” Nik asked, tensing beneath Mia.