He could tell her to fuck off and, normally, he probably would have. But her next sentence changed his mind.
“It gives me a headache,” she added softly, touching her temple.
Well, hell, he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to crack open a window. It was a little hot and stuffy in there, but he had a feeling that had more to do with his reaction to her than anything else.
Reaching over the sink, he lifted the window and aimed his exhales outside. “It’s my one joy in life. I refuse to give it up.”
“Well, that’s sad.”
“Tell me about it,” he grumbled.
“What about your girlfriend?” she asked with an innocent bat of her lashes.
She locked eyes with him. “Eden?”
“Eden isn’t my girlfriend. She’s a happily married woman with a baby.”
The corner of her mouth lifted in the briefest hint of a smile but then disappeared almost as quickly. For a moment too long, they stared at each other. She had a direct way about her that he could appreciate.
“I know why you took me,” she said softly.
He inhaled deeply, searching for answers in her sky-blue eyes. Who was Mia Carlisle? Really? Because she certainly wasn’t what he’d expected. “You don’t know anything.”
“Because of my father, right? Chadwick Carlisle.”
Shit.Mia Carlisle was much smarter than he’d given her credit for being.
Nik didn’t need to confirm or deny it, she saw the flash of recognition pass through his dark eyes. Intense eyes that were black as sin and swirling with secrets.
“Well, hate to burst your bubble, but my father only cares about two things in this warped world—power and money. Not the inconvenient daughter he never wanted.”
For a long moment, Nik didn’t say anything. Just leaned against the counter and smoked. Then he shook his head. “Nice try. I’ve never met a bigger daddy’s girl.”
His comment took Mia completely by surprise and she burst out laughing. “Believe what you want, but don’t be surprised when he doesn’t pay your ransom or cave to whatever demands you may have.”
“We’ll see.”
“No,you’llsee. When you call him up and say you have me, he’ll probably say ‘who?’ Because he has a tendency to forget I exist.”
She had no idea what it was about this man that made her bold and slightly reckless. Even though she should probably fear him, Nik only managed to make her feel seen. Plus, she’d definitely felt some kind of connection at the bar—enough to go look for him after he’d left. She’d spent the past twenty-four years feeling unseen, so having Nik’s attention was kind of nice. Refreshing, actually. She didn’t feel quiet or shy, and she hadn’t let him bulldoze over her. In fact, he riled her up like no one else.Sitting up a little taller on the bed, it occurred to her that the most dominant man she’d ever met had made her feel strong, not like a pushover.
It didn’t make any logical sense, but Nik made her feel empowered. Maybe because when she spoke, he listened. And he didn’t just listen with his ears. He listened and responded with his entire body, turning toward her and focusing on her with an intensity that bordered on scary. Sure his responses were mostly sarcastic, sometimes even dismissive, but he didn’t go about his business like she wasn’t there. She had a feeling she was getting to him just as much as he was getting to her.
Nik finished the cigarette, stubbed it out in the sink and dropped the butt down the drain. Pushing off the counter, he moved closer, reminding her of a panther, all sleek, dark, and on the prowl, as he quickly closed the distance between them. “I have a feeling that you, Mia Carlisle, are the apple of your old man’s eye. That he will do anything if his only daughter’s life is threatened.”
His knees bumped the daybed and Mia looked up at him. “I wish,” she said simply.
He frowned, crossing his arms. “I’m not letting you go, so there’s no point in lying to me.”
“I’m not a liar.”
“Everyone lies. You’re no different.”
Mia shook her head then sighed. “Believe what you want.”