And what the fuck’s going on with the clubwhore, Sarah?
“When Emily came home tonight…she was like a whole other woman. She told me what she’d overheard between Nadia and that woman she works with…and then she told me how she outright asked Nadia about my involvement in what happened between you two.”
You mean how you ordered me to get information out of her about her brother by any means necessary…and then blew up my fucking world by telling me to leave the woman I love alone?
But he didn’t say any of that out loud—he didn’t fucking dare; Frost was still his prez.
“When I admitted what I’d ordered you to do…she got quiet…and a quiet Emily has never been fucking good for my balls.”
Locust pinched his lips in confusion, rubbing at the coarse stubble on his cheeks and chin. Nadia liked the stubble…especially against her inner thighs.
Shaking his head to rid it of thoughts of Nadia while his conversation was about Emily, he inquired, “When did she tell you to leave? Is she letting you come back tomorrow?”
Frost’s expression hardened, as though he was pouring steel into his bones.
“Right after I admitted what I’d ordered you to do, she…she told me I wasn’t the man she married, and that I should come here. I’ve got the feelin’, though…this isn’t just her being pissed.”
Locust shook his head; apparently they were both in the shit with their woman, and for the same reason. They’d willingly betrayed an innocent woman for “club business.” It didn’t sit right, what they’d done, and now they were both paying for it.
But he’d pay for it a million times over if it meant Nadia would speak to him again.
Nadia dumped the cold,rock hard fried rice into the trash can with a glower. She hated that she’d wasted her favorite food, but she couldn’t have eaten a single bite last night after what she’d realized.
Locust was watching her, spying on her, and that meant that her business with the Unchained MC wasn’t over, at least for them.
God, I just want to forget about all of it and move on!
Really? a new voice cooed.You reallyneverwant to see Locust again? Never want to see him lying next to you in your bed, staring at you with eyes burning with desire?
No!Because that had all been a lie—he never wanted her, he wanted information on her step-brother and the money her step-brother stole.
Right…keep telling yourself that.
Growling in frustration, she closed the trash can lid and practically tossed the dirty plate into the dishwasher. Slamming the dishwasher shut, she couldn’t stop herself from stewing in her thoughts.
Locust was still watching her…still doing the Unchained’s dirty business, and from what she experienced last night; the text fromUnknown, the food delivery, and her closet….
Suddenly, it was all too much.
The heartbreak, the humiliation, the fear, the anger, the rage, the frustration—and it needed an outlet.
Hurrying to her bedroom where she’d left her cell—purposefully ignoring the now closed door of her walk-in, she grabbed her cell from the charging pad on the nightstand, and hit dial on the Unknown number from last night; she knew who the number belonged to.
The phone rang twice before a familiar voice, one that still licked down her spine like sensuous tongues of fire, answered, “Nadia? Baby?”
She sucked in a breath, and spat, “Don’t call me baby, asshole!”
“No!” she interrupted, “you will listen to me because I have some shit to say to you.”
She could hear a shuffling over the line, but he didn’t respond, only heaved a sigh. She could picture his expression in her mind’s eye—shoulders taut, face hard, eyes glinting, lips pursed—but she didn’t care. She needed this, needed to get it all off her chest, and he was the vessel for all her life’s problems.
“First, you trick me into dating you, letting you into my house, where you basically became the CIA of the Unchained, looking through my life, my personal space, probably tapping my phones so you could hear if Elijah ever contacted me. I wouldn’t be surprised if you put up cameras to watch me when you weren’t here, and I certainly wouldn’t put it past you to follow me—and don’t say you don’t; we both know I saw you outside Clarks Street Grill a week ago. And after all that you did to me, how you violated my trust and broke my heart, you andyour club are still treating me like the enemy, still following me,stilllooking through my stuff?—”
“What the fuck do you mean?” Locust cut in, his voice steel over diamond, hard and unbending. “No one is looking through your shit now, Nadia, I know that for a fact.”