Setting a hard, steady rhythm, James pleasured her, fucking her, owning her. This is where heart and soul and body met, a conjunction of heavenly and earthly, carnal and spiritual, lust and love. This was what it meant to make love to your soulmate. To ascend.
“Fuuuck,” he moaned, his movements quickening. Her body was growing taut, the muscles in her belly tightening, the pleasure rising. He took one of her nipples into his hot mouth, biting down on it, and she exploded.
“James!” she screamed, not caring that the others in the clubhouse could hear her.
“Fuck yeah, Nadia, milk that fucking cock!”
James pushed up to his knees, his cock still deep inside her. He looked down between them, his crazed eyes pinned to where he was splitting her open.
She squeezed him with her internal muscles, and he snapped.
Raising her ass to his thighs, he pounded into her, a man possessed with a savage beast. He took her, pistoning his hips with each bed shaking thrust.
Mindless, he muttered words she didn’t quite catch, but it didn’t matter; his cock was magic, his hands on her clit and her tits were driving her crazy. Finally, another orgasm hit, erupting through her like a geyser.
She screamed, and he slammed into her to the root, holding himself there as he threw his head back and bellowed, “Nadia!”
With a final grunt, James filled the condom, his cock deep inside her, throbbing, as each jet of hot, sticky seed erupted into her.
Satiated, delirious, and still slightly buzzed, Nadia slumped backward onto the mattress, turning her head until she could bury her nose in the pillow that smelled of James. He dropped to the bed beside her, and she thought no more, falling into a deep, dreamless sleep with a smile on her face.
Her eyes fluttered open,and she gazed up at the shadow cloaked ceiling.
She smiled, stretching slowly, satisfaction pushing back the pain of the full body ache that made her groan. It wasn’t the first time in the last week she’d woken up with a body that felt like she’d gone two rounds with Tyson—and it wasn’t a bad ache, either. It was the ache of someone who’d been thoroughly loved, several times, in the night.
At the memory of the night before, Nadia couldn’t stop the full body thrum, the heat and pulsing need that moved through her.
James has been a giving and dedicated lover, making sure there wasn’t an inch of her he hadn’t worshiped with his tongue, hands, and lips. And when he’d finally thrust inside her?—
She shuddered, her nipples peaking as they tingled, eager for a hot, wet mouth to suck them. God, how was this her life; sleeping in a bed she shared with a man she’d dreamed up and brought to life—because there’s no way he wasn’t conjured from her deepest fantasies.
The day she’d met James, she’d been stuck on the side of I-81, in danger of getting windswept into the ditch by thebig rigs flying past on the two-lane highway. She’d left her house that morning to grab a swatch of material the event coordinator, Janice, needed for a dress fitting that afternoon at Emerald Greens, where she worked. She was doing the woman a favor, and Janice would owe her big time because Nadiahatedtraveling on the highway, and that morning she’d loathed it even more when her right front tire blew out.
She’d been standing there, panicking, looking up “How to Change Your Tire” videos on YouTube, when a deep green truck slowed to a stop behind her.Of course, she was wary—she was a single woman on the side of the road without a way of escape. The only reason she wasn’t ducking into her car to hide was because it was abusyhighway, which meant plenty of witnesses if the person behind the wheel decided to do something hinky.
She wasn’t a religious woman; having spent to many years living with unanswered prayers, but that day, she’d prayed to whoever was listening that she didn’t die, and that the person in the truck was her roadside savior.
She wasnotprepared for who slid out of the truck?—
Jolted by the sounds of shuffling outside the bedroom door, Nadia sat up in the bed and stared at the door. She was in the clubhouse because she’d been invited to a party the night before to celebrate the club VP, Patriot, claiming his girlfriend as his ol’ lady—she’d been happy for the couple, but she had no idea what any of it meant. Also, she wasn’t really the party kind of person, but because James had asked her to come, she couldn’t say no. She wanted to be with him, and he wanted to introduce her to his friends—err, brothers—so she’d gone to the party.
When they’d first started dating, James had been a little…hesitant to explain about the MC, not that Nadia cared that he was in an MC, especially since she only ever heard good things about the Unchained. James had explained that his road name was Locust, and that he was the club Enforcer, and that hisjob was sort of like club “security,” meaning he made sure the brothers were protected from their enemies and each other.
Knowing all that—about James and the club—she’d been nervous about the party, but she went anyway, because she wanted to be with James.
Boy, had she been shocked. She’d expected drinking and loud music, what she hadn’t expected were the naked women, the public displays of sex, and the acrid scent of pot that blanketed the air.
When James had asked her what she thought, she’d been honest. He’d been her third lover, her first “real” boyfriend—the other one didn’t count—and she’d never been one to party much. She’d gone from high school to working full time to make ends meet, so she’d never had the opportunity nor natural inclination to “let loose” like the women she’d seen the night before.
James had laughed, then dragged her behind him to a couch in the corner, where he held court all night. He’d chatted with his brothers, shooed away naked women looking to slide onto his lap, and he threw back several bottles of beer. The whole while, Nadia watched. She’d sipped her one bottle of beer and observed everyone else. She knew that if she really wanted to be with James—and she really did—she would have to get used to the lifestyle. The Unchained MC were well known in NEPA, and she knew she should feel honored to be a part of their “celebrations,” even though she had no idea what all the nakedness had to do with celebrating Patriot and his ol’ lady, Cilla. She’d said as much to Locust, but he’d smirked, rolled his eyes, and finished his next beer.
Once the party died down, James had led her to his room upstairs, where he’d made love to her twice before they’d crashed.
Now, she’d woken up without him beside her. She didn’t like that feeling of abandonment that had immediately hit her,because she knew he hadn’t actually left her; he was her ride, and, well, he just wasn’t like that. He was probably in the clubhouse somewhere. It was early morning, so he probably left to let her rest, knowing she needed it. Hehadkept her up late last night.
She smirked at her thoughts and rolled out of the bed.