Page 5 of Golden Star

And she’s apparently not at all willing to fill me in.

“Fine,” I give in to Matt, since I actuallyamenjoying watching the meteors. “I’ll stay for a little bit longer.”

And, as I sit back down next to him and watch Zoey and Mallory hurry to catch up with the others, I pray to the stars above that the new year will bring me clarity about what I want for my future.


“Sapphire,”Matt says after a few minutes of watching meteors together. “Look at me.”

I do. And, as I do, I see a flash of the hopeful high school football star who chose me—a freshman—to charm and win over in only the course of a few weeks.

It’s rare that I see this side of him anymore. Working long hours at the shop has worn him down over the years.

“I know things have been rough.” He shifts, fidgeting, and removes his gloves. “I know you’re unsure about where we’re headed.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, even though I’m not sure what I’m apologizing for. “It’s not you. It’s just…” I trail off, the words tangling in my throat.

Before I can decide what to say, he reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small, velvet box.

No. No, no, no.

This can’t be happening.

Pleasetell me this isn’t happening.

“I want to give you the security you need—something solid.” His voice breaks through the fog in my mind. “You don’t have to be unsure anymore. We can make this official. You and me. Forever.”

I’m frozen, watching as he opens the box, revealing a simple, sparkling ring that probably cost him over three months’ pay.

“Will you marry me?” he asks, the hope in his eyes burning fiercer than ever.

Ice-cold dread rushes through me as he removes the ring and reaches for my hand, ready to put it on my finger.


I yank my hand back, and the wind picks up, as if it’s trying to blow that ring right out of his fingers.

“What?” he asks, as if he didn’t hear me right. Like maybe I’ll take it back.

“No.” Panic claws at my insides, scrambling my thoughts. “I don’t want this. I’m not ready for this.Anyof it.”

The hurt in his eyes turns into something darker. A deep sort of pain that makes my chest tighten even more.

“We’ve been together for over four years,” he says,not moving the ring away. “You’re telling me that after all this time, you don’t want this? You don’t wantus?”

“I’m saying that the reason I don’t want to move in with you isn’t because Iwanted you to propose to me first.”I stand up, as if that’ll clarify that there’s no way he’s getting that ring near my finger.

He should know me better than to thinkthiswas what I wanted. Especially since there’s been no moment in our relationship when either of us has mentioned marriage.

“Andrew and Winnie have been engaged for three months,” he says as he stands, as if she hasn’t been showing off her ring every moment she can. “Andrew’s the same age as me. He knows what he wants, and he’s doing it. Why shouldn’t we do the same? Why are we putting this off?”

“Because I don’t want to be stuck in Presque Isle for the rest of my life!” I shout, and the wind surges, rattling the branches overhead and stirring the snow at our feet.

Matt goes still.

Then, his expression twists from confusion to anger, his eyes narrowing as he clenches his fists at his sides.

“You think I want to be stuck here?” His voice is sharp, louder than it’s been all night, and he motions around the dark clearing. “That this is the life I dreamed of?”