I glance up, and before I can process what’s happening, he leans in.
I let him.
His lips are soft and gentle. Nothing like the urgent way Patrick used to kiss me. And while it doesn’t send the spark through me, it feels like a silent promise.
I’m here.
You’re not alone.
And right now, that’s exactly the sort of promise I need.
I leaninto Jake’s kiss, enjoying the comfort in the simple human connection. In the reminder of home.
When he pulls back, his eyes search mine, waiting for a reaction.
“I know this place is awful,” he says quietly. “But maybe we can make it less awful? Together?”
The sincerity in his voice makes my chest ache. Because here in this twisted court of monsters and magic, he’s offering me a chance to not feel so alone.
At the same time, what just happened between us means nothing. Jake might look like Patrick and remind me of Patrick—although less so after that kiss—but that doesn’t mean heisPatrick. Plus, the only things we talked about before he made a move on me were crystals and penguins.
That’s hardly a solid base for a strong relationship.
A throat clears behind us before I can answer, and Jake pulls back quickly.
I turn to find Henry—the third pet of the queen—leaning against one of the twisted trees, his predatory gaze making my skin crawl.
“Don’t be greedy, Jake,” he says with a smirk. “The rest of us deserve a chance with the new girl, too.”
Suddenly, all three of Prince Malakai’s girls are here with us—Lacey, Katerina, and Brenda.
Like Aerix, Malakai has a type. All three of them are blonde and curvy. Although, all of them have eyes so haunted it makes my heart ache.
Whatever Malakai does to them seems to have broken them.
I stand, and Lacey frowns, looking up and down at my dress, which is dirty from kneeling to hunt for rocks.
“Zoey,” she says, with what sounds like genuine concern. “You have to maintain certain standards around here. The royals tire of pets who don’t present themselves properly.”
There’s something haunting about the way she says it—like she’s seen it happen too many times before.
Behind her, Katerina stares at the ground, her shoulders hunched, as if she’s trying to make herself invisible.
Brenda at least meets my eyes, although her gaze holds the same hollow warning as Lacey’s.
“Why does it matter right now?” I ask, although I brush some of the dirt off my dress, suddenly overly aware that it’s there. “Aerix isn’t here.”
Brenda sighs, glancing around as if making sure no one else is listening. “It’s not just about him being here or not,” she says. “Presentation is important in the Night Court. If the prince starts seeing you as less than perfect, it could change how he feels about keeping you.”
“Keeping me?” My voice is sharper than I intend, but her words hit a nerve.
“We’re not trying to upset you,” Lacey says quickly. “We’re just trying to help.”
Katerina shifts uncomfortably, although she still doesn’t speak.
“Maybe instead of worrying about getting dirty, we could do something useful. Like looking through that garden over there,” I say, motioning to the one with dark flowers that I noticed when I entered the courtyard. “Maybe there’s sage or some other herbs in it. We can gather it to cleanse ourselves and our rooms. Make them feel more like our own spaces.”