She downs the potion like it’s a shot of cheap vodka, and almost immediately, her eyelids start to droop.
Ghost shifts, making himself more comfortable for her to lean against.
She curls into his fur, as if she’s done it a thousand times before, and falls asleep.
I glance at Riven.
The determination in his expression is impossible to ignore, and I realize that for the first time in a while, I’m actually feelinghope.
“Get some rest, too,” he says. “You’ll need it. We all will.”
I nod, even though I know sleep won’t come easy. Too much is riding on what happens next.
But for Zoey—for all of us—I have to try.
We might not survive if I don’t.
Sleep proves impossible.
My stomach twists with a familiar hunger—one that’s been growing stronger since the dark angel’s blood started wearing off.
I’m going to have to feed before our journey. If not, I’ll be too weak to help anyone, and Riven and Zoey will be wandering lost under the stars until the end of time.
But there are no animals in the cave. None. Other than Ghost, but obviously he doesn’t count, since I’m looking for animals I caneat.
Right now, the giant snow leopard is curled beside Zoey, sleeping.
Riven’s sleeping with his back against the wall, one hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Even in sleep, he looks ready for battle. I’m sure he’ll be at his feet, prepared to kill, if anything barges in here.
Which means I’ll have to be careful.
Very careful.
And since I can only project to places I can see, this won’t be as easy as closing my eyes and appearing outside the cave.
I’ll have to be sneaky about it.
So, I focus on the space directly in front of where I’m lying.
In a heartbeat, I’m there, looking down at my unconscious body.
There’s no way to tell that the body at my feet is a hollow shell. Because I still look like I’m sleeping, curled up beneath my cloak.
However, if either of them wakes up and tries to talk to me, they’ll know I’m projecting, since I’ll be completely unresponsive. Which means I have to go, and I have to get done what needs to get done quickly.
I’m weightless. Silent,I tell myself as I use my air magic to cushion my steps, moving toward the cave entrance. My feet don’t even feel like they’re touching the ground.
Suddenly, a flicker of movement catches my eye.
His ice-blue eyes are open, watching me.
My heart stops.
But he doesn’t growl. He doesn’t move.