If so, my being able to resist Aerix’s compulsion wasn’t because I’m special. A part of me hoped it was, but unsurprisingly, I’m just as human as ever.
And now here I am—sopping wet, having nearly drowned in a moat full of blood, my hair a wreak, and my body on display for all of them to see.
It takes every ounce of willpower to not collapse to the frost covered ground and cry.
“You’re just as stupid and helpless as my son claimed.” The king waves his hand dismissively, backs away from me, and looks at Aerix. “Take her. Perhaps you can mold her into something marginally useful.”
The queen glides to her husband’s side and places a hand on his arm, although her focus is also on Aerix. “If she proves too difficult to train, I’m certain the nobles would be delighted to have such a... spirited pet,” she says.
“No one will touch her.” Something sharp flashes in Aerix’s eyes, and his wings flare, their shadowy edges cutting through the mist like blades. “She’s mine. If anyone so much as looks at her the wrong way, they’ll answer to me.”
Malakai snickers. “Oh, look at him, getting all territorial over his little toy.”
“Laugh all you want. But you are no exception to my claim.”
“Relax, brother,” Malakai replies. “I have no interest in your scraps.”
Apparently bored with his brother’s antics, Aerix crouches beside me again, a breeze surrounding me as he does.
Then, without warning, he reaches forward and places his palm on my chest, right below my throat.
“Don’t touch me,” I snap at him, flinching back from his touch.
“We’re far past that stage of our relationship.” He grabs my wrist, and then he’s pulling away the icy wetness clinging to my skin, my clothes, and even my hair, leaving me dry but no less humiliated. “There. Better, isn’t it?”
My fingers clench into fists at my sides, the nails digging into my palms.
“You should be grateful,” he says. “After all, I’ve saved your life. Twice now. Technically four times, since I allowed you to live after both times you tried to stab me with that dagger.”
“Grateful?” I repeat, trembling. Not from the cold this time, but from fury. “To the man who dragged me to this nightmare and decided I’m hispet?”
“Yes. Because from now on, I’m the one taking care of you. Feeding you. Protecting you.” He leans in closer, his face inches from mine, and the air between us crackles with tension. “And I’ll be the one who determines your fate.”
He forces me up, and as he drags me away, I keep my head high, refusing to let him or anyone else in his monstrous family see the fear twisting in my gut.
But deep down, I know the truth.
I’m more powerless in this place than anywhere else I’ve been so far in this awful realm.
No one’s on my side. Not Sapphire, not Ghost, not even Riven.
Which leaves me at the complete mercy of whatever twisted plans this dark fae prince has in store.
Now that theroyals are finished with me—including my new “owner,” Prince Aerix—one of the fae women from earlier leads me down the halls, back to the human wing. The nicer one with the brown hair, which is at least a bit of a relief.
As we walk, she tells me a bit about what to expect around here. Specifically, that I’ll be able to go anywhere I want in the human wing, but I’ll require a fae escort to go anywhere else.
I don’t remember if she told me her name. If she did, I was probably too spaced out to notice. I’ve only really been half aware of what she’s saying, due to the shock of being in a chemise dyed with blood, walking to a gilded prison in a nightmarish palace ruled by vampiric fae in a differentrealm.
How is this real?
I’m still half expecting to wake up at any moment, in my bed, with this being a long, intense, crazy dream.
Instead, we eventually arrive at the same wooden double doors Aerix led me through a few hours ago.
The human wing.