“Yes,” I manage to say, my heart pounding, my entire body feeling trapped under his intense, silver gaze.
After a few long seconds, he brings his arm back to his side.
My heart drops.
But what was I expecting? For him to kiss me again?
It’s hardly the time for that. Which is saying a lot, given that this isRivenwe’re talking about here.
“These storms can last for a day,” he says, glancing around our small shelter. “Maybe two.”
He places his pack on the ground, which thankfully stayed on his shoulder through our fall, and starts going through it. “We have some food,” he says. “Not much, but if we ration it, we’ll be fine.”
I watch as he sorts through what’s left of the berries and bread, mentally calculating how long it will last.
For him, it might be enough.
For me...
Soon, the hunger will start gnawing at me again. That deep, primal need for blood that no amount of foraged food will satisfy.
Being trapped in this cave with Riven while that happens…
“Here.” He hands me a small portion of bread. “We should eat something now. Keep our strength up.”
I take it without argument, but my stomach twists.
Up to two days in this cave. Two days of hiding what I am, and what I need to survive.
Would his blood taste as sweet as his lips?
No.I step back, fear rising inside of me at the fact that my thoughts even went there.I can use the least amount of magic and energy as I can. I can control myself.
I won’t dothatto him. No matter how much I hate him.
“He has to be okay,” Riven interrupts my dark thoughts, staring at the ice barrier, clearly referring to Ghost. “He’s always okay. From the moment he found me in that forest when I was a boy, he’s always...” His voice catches. “He’s never left me.”
The pain in his voice makes my chest ache. I’ve never seen him like this—vulnerable, worried, his walls stripped away by fear for his familiar.
“We’ll find him,” I say, reaching out and touching his arm before I can stop myself. “As soon as the storm breaks.”
He looks down at my hand, then up at me, and something shifts in the air between us. The cave suddenly feels smaller. More intimate. And I’m achingly aware of how alone we are—of how much I want to comfort him, even though I know I shouldn’t.
“You should rest.” He pulls away from me, and my heart drops in disappointment. “I’ll take first watch.”
“No.” I shake my head. “You’ve been using your magic more than I have. You need sleep.”
“I won’t be able to sleep.” He settles against the wall, his sword already out and across his lap. “Not until...”
He doesn’t finish, but he doesn’t have to.
Not until the storm’s over, and we know Ghost is safe.
Nyx carriesAerix and me through the forest like a shadow, swift and silent.