By the time Luna had returned to Hunter’s apartment with Adam, frustration had gotten the better of her. She was disappointed with how Stella treated her at the training center. She acted as if she didn’t even exist! What angered Luna even more was that Hunter didn’t introduce her. She understood that Stella was his boss, technically. Still, she hoped she mattered enough to him to demand that she was treated with basic respect. Why didn’t he introduce her to Stella? Was he ashamed of her? Did he care more about Stella than her? I mean, she was his coach, and Luna was just his nanny, whom he occasionally fucked. There were no labels or important titles between them. Maybe that’s all she was to Hunter. Maybe all that he saw of her was a good lay. She hoped she was wrong, but she didn’t know if time would be on her side while she waited to find out.
Luna put Adam to bed and sat in the living room. She had a book in her hand, and she tried to focus on the words on each page, but her mind prevented her from relaxing. She eagerly waited for Hunter to come home. She felt disrespected. Hunter, who had rescued her from a disrespectful situation when she was on the worst date of her life, should have known better.
He portrayed himself as someone who held others to a higher standard, particularly regarding women. So, why didn’t he speak up when Stella blatantly ignored her and acted like she was a second-class citizen? He sure as hell didn’t have a problem whisking her away when Henry was flirting with her. So, he could be jealous but not do anything about his jealousy. That infuriated Luna.
Finally, she heard the door open. She continued to sit on the couch with the book in her hand. She pretended to read. Usually, Luna got up to greet Hunter, as soon as he arrived home. However, this evening, he would have to come to her. He needed to acknowledge her, even if Stella wouldn’t.
Hunter walked into the living and saw Luna reading. He saw the stern look on her face and hesitated for a moment.
“How was the rest of your day with Adam?” Hunter finally asked, breaking the ice.
He could still feel the tension in the air. It was obvious that Luna was upset about something, but he had no idea what was causing her to be so upset.
“Fine,” Luna said curtly. “Adam is fast asleep.”
She did not even bother looking at Hunter. She abruptly closed her book, grabbed her purse and jacket, and headed toward the door. Hunter dropped his gym bag on the floor and walked after her.
“You’re leaving so soon?” Hunter asked hurriedly. “Usually, we talk about each other’s day and how Adam was before you go. Why are you in such a rush today?”
“I’m not in a rush,” Luna said sharply. “You’re here, you’re home now, my shift is over, and I’d like to leave unless there’s something else you need me to do.”
Now, Hunter was starting to get agitated. He had never seen her like this before. She was so disturbed that not only was she pushing him away from her emotionally, but she was also acting kind of rude. It had been a long day, filled with a roller coaster of emotions, and Hunter’s patience was wearing thin.
Hunter said with a hint of an attitude. “Well, I need you to tell me what is wrong. Don’t beat around the bush with me. Come on, tell me what is bothering you. Please?”
Luna sighed. She unclenched her fist and turned her body towards Hunter. He seemed genuinely concerned. She thought about how to explain her frustrations to Hunter.
“You couldn’t even introduce me,” she finally said to Hunter with tears in her eyes. “I was right there, taking care of your son, and you couldn’t even introduce me. She acted like I didn’t exist, and you didn’t do anything about it.”
“Who in the world are you talking about?” Hunter asked.
“Stella!” she exclaimed. “Your new head coach that loves your attention!” she added.
He didn’t understand why it would upset her so much. Why didn’t she just introduce herself? Also, why was she so upset? Stella had to talk to him; she was his head coach, after all. The two of them had to communicate with one another. Did he wonder if she flirted with him? Sure. Yet, at the end of the day, he didn’t think Stella would actually act on her feelings for him.Oh, how very wrong he would be. He just didn’t know that yet, and neither did Luna.
Luna was trying to keep her voice down, as she knew Adam was asleep, but her emotions were rising.
“We have had sex, Hunter,” she said, trying to reason with him. “No matter what, we have been intimate with each other, regardless of how we label it, and I work for you, taking care of your son. I get that she is your head coach, but she blatantly ignored me, and you should have introduced me. It made me feel like you were ashamed of me like I was nothing more than the nanny and the help around here.” Hunter felt like he had failed Luna and did not want her to feel discarded or unimportant. He was so focused on trying to interpret Stella’s flirtatious signals and subtly telling her through his body language that he was not sexually interested in her that he did not notice how the situation may have made Luna uncomfortable.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, Luna,” Hunter pleaded. “I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal.”
“You didn’t think it was a big deal?” she angrily questioned. “You didn’t think that it was a big deal that I had to watch a woman, who you work with, blatantly flirt with you and then ignore me?”
“Blatantly flirt?” Hunter repeated.
He knew Stella had been flirting with him, but Luna’s observation confirmed it. He was now more concerned that she seemed jealous that Stella was flirting with him. Did Luna want him, like he still wanted her?
“Are you jealous Stella was flirting with me?” Hunter directly asked Luna. “Is that why you are so upset right now?”
“Jealousy has nothing to do with it, Hunter,” she replied defensively. “Your boss was hitting on you while ignoring the nanny because she saw herself as more than me. The whole situation was gross, and after saying that, I will be leaving now!”
She rushed out the door, and Hunter ran down the hall after her. Luna reached down to press the button to signal the elevator to open, and just as the doors opened, she felt Hunter’s hand on her arm. He pulled her into him and kissed her passionately.
“I like that you were jealous,” Hunter said seductively. “I was jealous when Henry was talking to you. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit. Now, come here.”
Hunter passionately kissed Luna again. He took her hand and quietly led her back into his apartment. He shut the door behind them and pinned her against the wall. He had been waiting so long for this moment and had fantasized about her so many times at night, remembering the last time they were intimate with one another. He needed to be inside her and needed to feel her warmth. He needed her to give him his own release. Luna’s hands were pinned above her head against the kitchen wall.
Luna moaned and then remembered she had to be quiet as it was late at night. She managed to break her hands free, and she reached for Hunter’s manhood. She took off his belt and threw it on the kitchen floor. She unzipped his pants before reaching her hand down his jeans to grab his erection. She moved her hands up and down his hard penis and listened to him moan. She loved making him feel good.