Hunter shook his head. He told her that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before they were married. It was an American superstition. Luna laughed. She told Hunter that it was a silly superstition and that they had no reason to worry.
“I actually think it would be good if you came,” she said to him honestly. “Maybe they can ensure the measurements for your suit are still good. You have bulked up with more muscle lately.”
Luna looked at Hunter with fire in her eyes. He looked good—more muscular lately—and he laughed, enjoying her admiration. Finally, he agreed to go wedding dress shopping with her. The two continued getting ready while they waited for Ella to arrive to watch Adam. When there was a knock at the door, Luna rushed to let Ella into the apartment.
“My goodness, you’re getting so big!” Ella exclaimed, looking at Luna. “I guess you’ll pop soon!”
Luna glanced down at her stomach. Approaching her eighth month of pregnancy, she realized she had been so busy planning the wedding that she hadn’t noticed how quickly her pregnancy had flown by. She hadn’t fully grasped how close she was to going into labor.
Ella and Luna exchanged pleasantries, and when it was time to go, Adam ran to the front door and hugged Hunter and Luna goodbye.
“I am going to be a big brother soon!” Adam yelled with excitement as he pointed at her belly.
“Well, we still have some time,” she said to Adam.
They all said goodbye to one another. Luna and Hunter walked out of the apartment complex and into the car, waiting for them outside. When she got in the car, she saw an old newspaper from two days ago. She picked it up and read it.
The newspaper article covered Luna and Hunter’s engagement, a topic that still occasionally appeared in the press, especially after the team's latest victory. With an undefeated season under their belt, Hunter had become one of the most popular players among journalists, ensuring their relationship remained a topic of interest. Luna read the headline: “Nanny Engaged to Hot Hockey Player.” She remembered how such headlines used to upset her, making her feel sick with anxiety. But now, she found she didn't care. She had grown significantly, both as an individual and in her relationship with Hunter.
Surprisingly, the news of her pregnancy had yet to reach the tabloids. Luna wondered if the paparazzi simply hadn’t caught wind of it or if they had moved on to the latest hot topic. With a sigh, she tossed the newspaper aside. Hunter observed her, noting how calm she was. It made him happy to see that she was no longer letting the press get under her skin.
Luna saw Cynthia waiting for them on the sidewalk at Cipriani’s. She greeted them as they got out of the car. Hunter told the driver to pick them up in two hours. The driver noddedin agreement. The three of them entered the dress shop and looked at wedding dresses.
The seamstress explained to Luna that exact measurements could not be taken until after Luna had her baby. Today would just be about finding the right style of dress, and then Luna would return to the dress shop in a month or so. She did not worry. They had plenty of time. The wedding would not be until next summer.
Luna looked through the dresses and eventually found the most perfect lace, long-sleeved dress. It had a vintage feel to it, and it looked so elegant. Luna knew that the seamstress could not take her measurements that day, but she wanted to find out if there was a way she could still try the dress on. She asked an assistant in the store to find that dress style in her current size.
“Do you want to get a sense of what it will look like?” she asked Hunter with earnest.
Hunter nodded, excitement bubbling within him at the thought of seeing Luna in a wedding dress. He couldn't wait to marry her. The store assistant entered the dressing room with Luna to help her.
Although the dress was a bit tight, it fit her well. She gazed into the mirror, imagining how it would look once her body returned to normal after pregnancy.
Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door. “Are you going to show me?” Hunter called out. “I want to see how it looks.”
Luna opened the dressing room door and slowly stepped out, catching Hunter's gaze. He was in awe; she looked stunning.She twirled to admire herself in the mirror again. The dress was perfect.
“You are so beautiful,” Hunter said, his voice filled with admiration.
Luna turned toward him, but as she did, she felt something wet trickling down her leg. Looking down, she realized in horror that her water had just broken—right there in the wedding dress. Panic washed over her; she thought she had more time, but reality hit: she was about to go into labor. Hunter watched in shock as the situation unfolded before him.
“Oh, my goodness!” he said to her with excitement. “It is time! There is a to-go bag in the car. I will call the driver and have him pick us up here pronto. Are you excited?”
Luna sat down on the couch. Her contractions were starting to become fast and painful, and the closer she got to having the baby, the more scared she became. She was going to become a mother, and although she was excited, she was scared too. She went back into the dressing room and quickly changed into her regular clothes. Then, Hunter and Luna rushed outside and got into the car. Cynthia wished them good luck and told them that she would be in touch soon.
When they finally got to the hospital, Luna was rushed back into a room. Hunter held her hand every step of the way, but he could tell that she was nervous.
“You are going to do great, honey,” he reassured her. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Luna held on tightly to Hunter’s hand. She did not think that she could do this without his support. Time passed, and finally, late that night, Luna gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Luna could not believe how much she loved her already.
“She is beautiful,” Hunter said. “I can’t believe that we made her together.”
Luna and Hunter were in awe of their little girl. Within two days, Luna was discharged from the hospital and was able to go home. They both were excited to introduce their little girl, who they decided to name Lily, to Adam. Luna walked in with baby Lily in her arms.
“She is so beautiful,” Ella said to Hunter and Luna. “Congratulations, you two. Adam, come meet your baby sister.”
Adam walked over and stared at Lily. They knew that he was going to be an excellent big brother. When Lily was finally asleep, Luna thought it was best that she had a nap as well. Luna lay on the bed in the nursery as her baby slept. Hunter walked in and saw the two of them sleeping. They both looked so peaceful, and he did not want to disturb them. For a moment, he could not believe how lucky he was. He had another chance at a family. He was so incredibly thankful for that. Nothing was more important to him than family.