“Here,” he heard someone say to him. “Here, take this.”
Hunter looked up and saw Henry with a bottle of water. He held the bottle of water out in front of him, urging Hunter to drink it.
“It was a tough practice today,” Henry gently said to Hunter.
Hunter laughed as he gratefully accepted the water from Henry. He quickly unscrewed the cap and took a long drink, only to swallow the wrong way and break into a fit of coughing. He looked at Henry and chuckled again, shaking his head at his clumsiness.
“Thanks, man,” Hunter said to Henry. “Thank you, but I am just out of shape. It goes quickly at this age.”
The two men laughed together. They began talking about the last game of the season. Henry asked how Adam and Luna were, and he congratulated Hunter on the engagement.
“It is nice to see you happy, man,” Henry genuinely told Hunter. “I know that we were not always the best of friends, but since Luna came into your life, I can see how happy you are.”
Hunter patted Henry’s back and thanked him. The two men finished drinking their water and got up to finish the rest of the drills. Hunter wiped the sweat off his face. He was ready to get back to work. He was leaving all of his worries and frustrations on the ice rink. He was ready for the last game of the season. As practice wrapped up, Frank approached Hunter and brought him over to the side of the ice rink.
“How are you feeling? He asked him. “You looked solid on the ice today. Good work. Are you ready for the game?”
Hunter nodded enthusiastically. He was ready. He needed this game to feel normal and apart from the team again. Things were great with Luna, but Adam’s illness had caused stress Hunter needed to get rid of. Hockey would be the cure for that. Frank nodded back.
“Alright,” he said reassuringly. “Go get some rest, and I will see you an hour before the game. Say hello to Luna for me.”
Frank and Hunter exchanged farewells before Hunter stepped outside to greet his new driver, who was patiently waiting. He slid into the car and watched the ice rink shrink in the distance as they drove away. The next time he stepped onto the ice, it would be game time, and he felt ready. Excitement bubbled within him at the thought of giving his all for the end of the season. Both Luna and Adam would be there, cheering him on, and their support meant everything. With his team and family gathered under the same roof, he couldn't imagine anything better.
When Hunter arrived at his apartment, he walked inside to see Luna cooking dinner. Adam was sitting at the kitchen table with a coloring book and crayons. It felt nice to come home to a full family, he thought to himself. He hugged Adam hello before kissing Luna.
“Hello, my soon-to-be wife,” he said to her lovingly.
“Hello, my soon-to-be husband,” she responded to him with a smile.
The family all sat around the table and at dinner together. While Adam was eating his spaghetti, Hunter looked at him, and concern grew across his face.
“Adam, honey,” Hunter said with concern to his son. “Adam, are you feeling okay? You look a little pale again this evening. Are you in pain, honey?”
Adam continued to eat his food. He shook his head.
“I am fine, Daddy,” he said to his dad. “I am just a little tired.”
Adam continued to eat his spaghetti, and Hunter continued to look at his son.
“Has he looked like this all day?” he asked Luna.
She told him that he had been tired today, but that they had also had a full day of schoolwork. They discussed whether or notthey should take him to the hospital, but Adam told them once again he was not in any pain.
“We will just have to keep an eye on him,” Hunter said seriously to Luna.
“I will watch him closely,” Luna responded to Hunter. “I won’t let anything bad happen to him, my darling.”
They all finished their dinner. Luna cleaned up the mess in the kitchen while Hunter prepared his gym bag for the hockey game. Luna put Adam to bed, and once she was sure he was asleep, she walked back to the bedroom and saw Hunter lying on the bed with a book in his hands.
Luna stood at the entry way and slowly began taking her clothes off. She waited for him to notice her undressing, and when he did, he put the book down on the nightstand and smiled up at her mischievously.
Luna walked over to Hunter naked. He looked up at her with admiration and reached under the covers to take his shorts off. Then, he pulled off the covers to reveal himself to her. His dick stood out, and Luna felt herself get wet at just the sight of him.
“Come closer,” he said to her softly.
She did as he told her to do. She crawled onto the bed and stopped once her mouth was in line with his hard penis. She reached her head downward and placed her mouth all over him. Hunter laid his head back and enjoyed the sensation of her mouth on him. Luna’s head bounced up and down, and Hunter ran his fingers through her hair as she pleased him.
When she lifted her head, her eyes met his. Desire spoke to both of them. They wanted to feel every part of one another.