“Yes, honey,” Luna said to him. “Here it is.”

Luna set the butter and syrup on the table before taking a seat next to Adam. Just as they were about to dig in, Hunter walked in, a broad smile lighting up his face. His happiness caught Luna off guard; lately, he had been acting a bit different—not in a bad way, but enough to make her feel somewhat left out of the loop. Curiosity tugged at her. What was going on with him?

“You're just in time for breakfast!” she said, trying to match his enthusiasm. “There are plenty of pancakes and bacon for everyone.”

Hunter's heart swelled as he saw Luna and Adam sharing a moment at the kitchen table. It felt so right, like a scene from a perfect family life. He walked over, pulled out a chair, and settled down with a contented sigh. Luna poured him a glass of juice, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

“So,” Luna began, breaking the comfortable silence, “what errands had you running around so early this morning?”

Hunter took a sip of his juice, relishing the moment. “Oh, just a few things. You know how it is—picking up some supplies for the team and handling some personal matters.”

“Personal matters?” Luna raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “That sounds mysterious. Are you planning a surprise or something?”

Hunter chuckled, the glint in his eyes revealing that there was indeed more to the story. “You could say that. But you know I can't spoil it just yet. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Now you’ve got me curious!” Luna teased, leaning closer. “Just promise me you’re not planning anything too crazy.”

Hunter smiled, appreciating her playful banter. “No crazy plans, I promise. Just a little something special. But enough about me—let’s enjoy breakfast first, and then I’ll share more.”

Hunter quickly took a bite of his bacon and reached across the table to grab the butter and syrup. He spread butter over his pancakes and then poured syrup all over them. He was trying to buy time to think of an alibi. He did not want to ruin the surprise of the proposal. He also didn’t want to lie to her, so he had to think quickly. Luna was staring at him, waiting for an answer. She knew that something was up, and he had to mitigate that situation as quickly as possible.

“I met with Frank,” Hunter said honestly. “I met with Frank to discuss possibly rejoining the team for the last game.”

Part of what Hunter had said was true, while the other half was something he desperately wished to be true. He longed to join the team for the last game of the season. With Adam in a stable enough place, Hunter felt a surge of excitement at the thought of getting back on the ice; he missed playing hockey more than he had realized.

Luna glanced at him in surprise. This wasn’t what she had expected to hear, but it explained his recent joyful mood. She knew how much he missed the game, and this was great news for both of them. Without thinking, she reached over and took Hunter’s hand, feeling a wave of support and encouragement pass between them.

“That would be great, honey,” Luna said in support. “What did Frank say about it all?”

Hunter coughed before taking a sip of juice. He looked over at Luna.

“He said he would get back to me,” Hunter said quickly. “But I think that it is a good possibility that I will join the team again.

After breakfast, Hunter knew he had to call Frank. He was determined to turn his little white lie into a reality. Deep down, he felt confident that everything would work out in his favor. He was meant to be with Luna, and he was meant to play in the last game of the hockey season—he could feel it in his bones.

As the family finished their meal, Luna started cleaning up the kitchen. Meanwhile, Hunter slipped into the bedroom to make a quick call to Frank.

“Hey, man,” Hunter said quickly. “Any chance I could play the last game of the season?”

He heard Frank chuckle on the other end of the line. He did not know whether that was a good or a bad sign. Hunter waited patiently for Frank’s response.

“I thought you would never ask, Hunter,” Frank finally responded to him. “Of course, come to practice early tomorrow morning. Don’t be late; you have a lot of catching up to do.”

Hunter ended the call with a giant smile on his face. He could not remember the last time that he was this happy. Luna walked into the bedroom and saw that he had just finished a phone call.

“Who was that?” she asked him directly. “You have been very busy this morning.”

Hunter sensed a tone in her voice.

“That was Frank,” Hunter said to her softly. “He gave me the green light to play the last game. He said to come to practice tomorrow. So, I will have to leave early tomorrow morning.”

He walked over to her. He could tell that she was agitated and that he had not paid her enough direct attention lately. Little did she know that he was planning to propose to her. Still, he neededto make her feel at ease. Hunter gently brushed away the stray hair from her face.

“You are so beautiful,” he said to her softly. “I love you.”

Luna looked up at him, her smile brightening the room. There he was—the Hunter she knew so well. Gazing into his eyes, she felt a wave of reassurance wash over her; everything was right, and her worries felt foolish. She trusted him completely and loved him deeply. And knowing that Hunter loved her in return was all that truly mattered.

They shared a passionate kiss, sealing their bond. Everything felt right in the world. Luna reached down, entwining her fingers with Hunter’s, and looked back up into his eyes, feeling a sense of peace envelop them both.