“Champagne!” Luna exclaimed. “We really are celebrating tonight.”
“The team had a great season,” Hunter said to her. “I really am glad that we are here. “Thank you so much for convincing me to come tonight.”
“I knew you would regret it if you didn’t come,” she responded honestly. “Plus, I always love an excuse to see you in a suit. You look so handsome you devil you.”
“You look even better,” Hunter said lovingly to her.
The couple spent the next few minutes mingling with others at the party. Everyone there was in good spirits. The team was number one nationally, and there was much to celebrate that night. Everyone was drinking good wine and liquor, eating tasty food, and enjoying each other’s company. Once the appetizerswere done circulating the rounds of people, servers began plating the main course. While eating dinner, notable speakers went up on stage and gave inspirational speeches about the team’s ability to overcome obstacles throughout the season. It was true that the team had gone through and overcome a lot. Frank, their head coach, was gone for the first half of the season, and Hunter was gone for the second half. Yet, the team did what they did best: they went out on the ice and played hockey.
Hunter started cutting his steak. He had started to eat his dinner when Henry came up and sat down beside him. Luna noticed Henry’s presence as well. Her body stiffened. She did not want there to be any trouble tonight. This event was about celebrating the team and Hunter. Really, this event was about celebrating Adam’s recovery. The couple had not been out to an event like this in a long time, and Luna felt that it was important for Hunter to enjoy himself and feel a part of the team again. She knew that he missed the camaraderie. She looked over at Henry and tried to make eye contact. She hoped that Henry would behave himself tonight. Hunter and Henry had already been in one fight, and she did not want another argument to break out at this beautiful event. This last thought caused her to look around at the people. She did not see Stella, and that, too, was a good sign. Luna did not want problems from here, either.
“Hey, Hunter,” Henry said calmly. “How are you?”
Hunter stiffened. There had been some bad blood between them since they got in a fistfight on the ice several months ago. He had noticed Henry at the hospital several months ago, and he was surprised to see him there. However, Henry did show up for him during his time of need. It meant a lot to him that he was atthe hospital when Adam was sick. Hunter loosened his body. He could hear what Henry had to say.
“Hello, Henry,” Hunter said coolly. “I am doing well, considering all that has happened lately. How are you?”
Henry nodded in understanding. Hunter had been through a lot lately, and he did not want to add to that. Henry took a sip of his cocktail. Hunter could tell that he was nervous, and he wondered why. What did he want to say to him? Why was he there?
“I’m pretty good,” Henry replied to Hunter. “I don’t want to start any trouble, but I was wondering if we could have a word together. Could we talk for a moment, man to man?”
Hunter grabbed his glass of whiskey and cola. He nodded his head yes and got up from his seat.
“I will be right back,” Hunter said to Luna, smiling at her.
He did not want her to worry about this interaction. She had been a fortress of strength for him over these last several months. He would control his anger. He did not want her to have to help clean up any other messes. Hunter and Henry walked away from the dinner table and over to the bar, set up for that night’s event.
Henry offered to refill Hunter’s cocktail. The two men sat silently at the bar for a few minutes. There was an awkward tension in the air.
“I just wanted to call you over and say that I am sorry,” Henry finally told Hunter.
Hunter was shocked. He did not expect an apology from Henry. There had always been competition between them, and the thing that always held them together was that they played for the same team. Common pleasantries were not standardbetween them. So, this apology was surprising to Hunter. He stayed silent for a moment and arched his eyebrows.
“I know,” Henry started to say to him. “I know that we have not always gotten along, but sitting there in the hospital and watching you and Luna worry over Adam, it all changed me. Can we just put this stupid rivalry behind us?”
Hunter reached over the lip of the bar and grabbed his newly filled cocktail and he quickly took a sip. Henry worried that Hunter would not accept his apology. Finally, Hunter began speaking.
“Of course,” Hunter finally said to him. “Of course we can. Thank you for saying that to me, man. Seriously, it has been hell for the last couple of months. Plus, we are on the same team after all.”
The two men shook hands. Luna had been looking over her shoulder to watch the interaction unfold. She smiled to herself. She was happy to see the two men make up with one another. She watched as the two men toasted their drinks together. Hunter walked back over to his table and sat down beside Luna. He reached over and grabbed her hand.
“Don’t worry,” he said, leaning over to her. “All went well.”
Luna reached over and kissed Hunter’s cheek. She was glad tonight was going well, and she could not wait to see Hunter accept his award from the team. The suspense of the surprise was killing her.
More speakers took the stage as Hunter and Luna continued with their dinner. Finally, Frank appeared, and they both turned to watch and listen to him.
“It is no surprise that this season has been filled with many ups and downs,” Frank said, starting his speech. “It is no surprise to any of us in this room that many unforeseen obstacles have occurred for the team as a whole. Yet, through those obstacles, we have persevered and defied expectations. Throughout those obstacles, we have remained the number-one team in the National Hockey League, and that is a true accomplishment. In order to be a good team, you have to have good leaders, and one of our greatest leaders is sitting in this room.”
Frank continued his speech, and Hunter had no idea who he was talking about.
“When I had my own personal issues to attend to, this young man took control of the team and ensured we saw success in the first half of the hockey season,” Frank stated. “Now, he is experiencing his own troubles, and as a team, we are excited to finally show him some support.”
Hunter suddenly became emotional. He suddenly understood that Frank was talking about him.
“Tonight,” Frank started to say to the audience. “Tonight, in conjunction with celebrating the team’s success this season, we also want to give the most valuable player the MVP award for our team. Hunter, come on up here.”
Hunter rose from his seat and made his way up the steps to the stage, where Frank was waiting with the Most Valuable Player award. As he accepted it, they shared a warm hug. Then, with a smile, Frank gestured for Hunter to step up to the microphone and say a few words to the audience. Hunter took a deep breath, preparing to speak to the crowd.