Hunter worried about Frank’s approval. He was like a father to him, and although he had already been there for him throughother serious situations, he did not want to let him or his team down, especially with this big mid-season game coming up soon. Luna saw the look of worry spread across his face.

“Don’t worry about the team,” she told him softly. “This is more important. Besides, Frank took time off to care for his sick father. If anyone understands, it is him.”

As they continued to speak to one another, a nurse approached them. She had a serious look on her face, and Hunter felt like this world was crashing down again. He hoped that nothing bad was happening. The last thing that he heard was that Adam was fine. The fever had finally broken. Everything should be downhill from there, right?

“His fever is back,” the nurse told both of them seriously. “He is conscious. So, you can see him. Follow me.”

Hunter and Luna held hands tightly as the nurse led them back to room twelve. They were both excited to see Adam but afraid of how he would look. Neither of them wanted to see him in pain. Regardless of it all, they knew that they needed to show a united front for him. If Adam saw that they were okay, then perhaps he would feel better, as well. The nurse walked into the hospital room first. When Hunter saw Adam, he immediately went to his side. Luna followed him. Adam looked tired, pale, and weak. He was conscious but barely. His body was sweating, as it was trying to break the fever.

“How high is his fever?” Hunter asked the nurse. “When can he come home.”

“His fever is our main concern right now, especially because it broke once and returned. Once his fever has stayed down for twelve hours, he can go home. A doctor will be in later today to explain how to treat sickle cell disease. The good news is thatwith proper lifestyle changes, Adam will be able to live a normal life. I will give you all some time alone, together.”

The rest of that day was filled with spending time with Adam. Hunter and Luna tried to lift his spirits, but it was obvious that he did not feel well. Hours passed, and the fever did not break. The doctors had told them that they were worried about potential brain damage due to the severity of Adam’s fever. The best thing that they could do was allow Adam to rest.

The doctor recommended that Hunter and Luna go home to get some rest, explaining that Adam would likely be asleep for the rest of the day due to his condition. The medical staff emphasized the importance of not disturbing him. Adam needed uninterrupted rest to recover from the flare-up. Although the thought of leaving Adam pained Hunter, he knew he had responsibilities to fulfill. He needed to update his head coach, Frank, and the rest of the team about the situation. It was crucial for them to understand what was happening, especially since Hunter's absence would affect their preparations. With a heavy heart, he realized that taking care of himself was also a part of supporting Adam.

It did not look like Adam was going to be out of the hospital anytime soon, and once he did get out of the hospital, they would have to make lifestyle changes to accommodate Adam's sickle cell disease. Having this conversation with the team and with Frank was something that Hunter dreaded doing, but he knew it had to be done. He knew how important this next game was to everyone. So far, the team was number one in the National Hockey League, and Hunter was one of their best players, if not the best. Leaving now, mid-season, would hurt the team, butAdam was more important than any of that. He just hoped that everyone understood the severity of the situation.

Luna and Hunter returned to his apartment, exhausted and needing some rest. Ella had kindly agreed to stay with Adam, understanding that Luna and Hunter needed to recharge. She promised to keep them updated if anything significant happened while they were away, and her presence ensured that an adult was there during Adam's medical care. As Luna stepped into the apartment, she felt a wave of safety and relief wash over her, overwhelmed by a strong sense of belonging.

“I think I am even too tired to take a shower,” Luna said to Hunter. “Are you going to call Frank now or after our nap?”

“After our nap,” Hunter coolly stated.

He was putting that phone call off for as long as possible. Plus, he would be more articulate with his words after more sleep. He knew that he would sleep better now that Luna was back home. They walked to the bedroom together and immediately lay down. It felt good to be side by side once again. Their breath was in unison as each of their eyes closed. Hunter drifted off to sleep, thinking they could conquer anything as long as they were together. He did not know it at the time, but Luna was reaching her slumber, feeling the exact same thing.

Chapter Twelve: For the Love of the Game

When Hunter woke up from his nap, he reached over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. He then looked over and saw that Luna was still sound asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, he quietly got up from bed and walked into the living room. The moment that he had been dreading had finally come. It was time to spill the beans to Frank. Hunter dialed his number and not so patiently waited for him to answer.

“Hunter?” Frank said on the phone. “Hunter, are you okay? Practice is about to start in ten minutes. Where are you?”

Hunter told Frank everything; he explained how sick Adam was, how his fever kept coming back, how he was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, and he explained how distraught he was over everything.

“I don’t want to leave the team mid-season,” Hunter pleaded. “I don’t want to quit now, but I don’t know what to do. He is my son, and he needs me, Frank. I hope you understand. I don’t want to let you or the team down.”

He waited for Frank’s reply, and he worried that he would not like what he had to say. Frank remained quiet on the other end of the phone conversation for some time.

“Frank?” Hunter asked him. “Frank, are you still on the phone?”

“I’m here, Hunter,” he responded. “I’m sorry. I guess I am just in shock. You can’t seem to catch a break, can you?”

To his surprise and relief, Frank was highly empathetic to Hunter’s situation. This made Hunter feel better about the situation. The thought of letting his team down was almost too much to bear, given all the other stress that he was under.

“Don’t worry about the guys,” Frank told Hunter. “I will talk to them. They all want the best for you, even Henry.”

Hunter laughed. He doubted that. He and Henry were always rivals. He seriously doubted that Henry would feel any sympathy about his situation.

“I am serious,” Frank said to Hunter. “Whether or not you two want to admit, you two are like brothers to one another, and yes, I know about the fight. Stella filled me in on everything. Brothers fight, you know?”

Hunter thanked Frank for understanding and for telling his teammates about his break from the rest of the season. Going over and talking to them was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to see Adam again. He needed to get back to the hospital. He heard Luna get up and start getting ready for the day.

“Thanks again, Frank,” Hunter said sincerely. “I will keep you updated. Talk soon.”

As soon as he got off the phone, he saw Luna walk into the room. She had just woken up, but she looked so beautiful. He was thankful that she was there with him. He did not want togo through the uncertainty of this situation with anyone else but her.

“Did you get any rest?” Luna asked him calmly. “I could feel you tossing and turning all night long.”