Adam left the room, elated that they were going to the pool. Hunter got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around Luna. Then, he gently kissed her forehead. She seemed emotionally distant, and he wanted to be close to her.

“How are you feeling today?” he gently asked her. “I know that last night was rough. How are you feeling this morning?”

“I just need time to clear all the noise,” she replied honestly. “I haven’t been called a whore that many times in one night, andbased on the news alerts that were on my phone this morning, it doesn’t look like it is going to get any better any time soon.”

Luna walked over to the nightstand beside her side of the bed. She picked up her phone and lightly tossed it to Hunter. He picked up the cell phone and looked at all of the salacious stories about them the trashy paparazzi had posted. It was more of the same thing all over again. The genuine nature of their relationship was in question. He shook his head side to side. He knew it was not fair for her to endure this scrutiny, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. It was the dark side of being famous. It was the downside of being in a relationship with a professional athlete. All he could do was reassure Luna that they had one another. If they had each other, that is all that mattered.

“This will all die down in time,” he said, trying to reassure her. “We just need to continue to focus on one another.”

The aggravation had built up for Luna. She knew that Hunter was used to the publicity, but she wasn’t. She needed more sympathy, and she did not feel that she was getting that from him. Her entire reputation was demolished, all because she fell in love. How was that fair? There was nothing negative about their relationship. Why couldn’t the public just be happy for them? She guessed that happiness did not sell magazines or newspapers.

“It is hard for me to focus on our relationship when the world hates it!” Luna yelled.

Her loud voice took Hunter aback. He had never heard her yell before. He could tell she was upset. Luna, too, noticed how enraged she had become. She slowly walked over to Hunter. They both sat down together on the bed.

“I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, looking at him. “I’m just feeling so overwhelmed right now. Please go to the pool with Adam. I want you both to have a wonderful morning together. Once we get back home, things will get hectic with your upcoming game in less than three weeks. Enjoy this time with him while you can. I just need a little time to myself. Is that alright?”

Hunter nodded and kissed Luna. He wanted to take this pain from her. He also wanted her to trust him in knowing that the press would eventually lay off their relationship. Still, he knew she would have to learn that in due time for herself.

“Of course, it is alright,” Hunter said reassuringly. “I love you. I’m going to change and go. Enjoy the time to yourself.”

Hunter quickly changed into his swim trunks and went to get Adam. Luna kissed both of them goodbye on their foreheads before they left the hotel room. She watched as they left. Then, she slowly walked over to the window overlooking the hotel parking lot. She peeked behind the curtain. There was still a slew of photographers in the parking lot. They were waiting. It was true that all of the hockey players were staying at this hotel. They were not waiting just for her, but she also knew that they would take her photograph with Hunter the first chance they had. The paparazzi were not leaving any time soon. Anxiety set in.

She did not know how much more she could take of this. She loved Hunter, but this was a lot to handle all at once. She felt the need to run away and hide. She lay down on the bed and contemplated where she could go to get away. Where could she take a break from this new world she was living in? She reached for her phone.

Luna dialed her friend Ella’s number. She waited for her to answer, but the call went straight to voicemail. She thoughtabout calling her mom, but they were not on good terms once Luna decided to leave Guatemala. Her mother did not support her leaving her native country to become an American citizen.

In her mother’s mind, the family stayed together no matter what. Yet, regardless of their rift, she felt her mother would be proud of the life she had built for herself in America.

Luna looked down at the contacts in her phone. She decided to call her sister, Lisa. Lisa and Luna were still on good terms with one another. She was the one connection she still had to her mother. Their father had passed away when they both were young, and even though they did not often talk, when they did, they were always there for each other. She waited as the phone rang.

“Hello,” Lisa said when she answered the phone call. “Luna, how are you? I haven’t heard from you in months.”

“Hey, Lisa,” Luna responded softly. “I am okay. How is everything there?”

“Things are good here,” Lisa responded. “Mom is good. She actually was asking about you the other day. I think she finally regrets how the two of you parted years ago. I know you live a busy life in America, but you should consider coming home, if only for a couple of weeks. I think that if there was ever a time to come home, it would be now.”

Luna contemplated going back to Guatemala. She wondered if she could find someone to fill in for her and take care of Adam while she was gone. Would Hunter support her leaving? Would he understand? Going back home would not only help her reconcile her relationship with her mother, but it would also allow her to see her family and get away from the craziness here. She stayed silent in her thoughts.

“Hello?” Lisa said to her sister. “Luna, are you still there? Did the phone disconnect?”

“I am still here,” Luna finally stated. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought.”

“Is something wrong?” her sister asked her. “You don’t sound like yourself.”

“I’m good,” Luna lied. “There is just a lot going on here.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Lisa genuinely asked.

“I think I just need to digest some things,” Luna stated.

“Well, let me know if you decide to come home,” Lisa said. “I really do think it would be good for both you and mom. Plus, maybe it would give you a chance to think over whatever you need to.”

“Let me think about it,” Luna replied.

After she got off the phone with her sister, Luna began packing everyone’s belongings. There was sadness in the air. She did not feel like herself, and she could not get herself out of the mood that she was in. After she finished packing, she sat by the window and watched the photographers. They still had not moved. They were dedicated to their profession. She could not deny them that.

She turned her head when Hunter and Adam walked into the room.