“We have each other, Luna,” he whispered in her ear softly. “We have one another, and that is all that matters.”

Dinner was served, and the rest of the night went better than expected. Luna was actually starting to enjoy herself. When dessert was served, a speaker walked up on stage and began speaking.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the man on the stage began. “Thank you all so much for being here tonight to celebrate the team’s successful season so far. Your support means the world to us, and we couldn’t have reached this point without each and every one of you. As we look ahead to the second half of the season, we want to take a moment to recognize someone special who has made a significant impact on our journey this year. Please join me in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to Stella for her exceptional work and dedication, especially in stepping in for Frank during his absence. Her contributions have been invaluable, and we are grateful to have her on our team.”

Stella walked up on stage as everyone clapped. Luna kept her hands gently placed in her lap. There was no way in hell that she was going to clap for Stella, especially after the way she had spoken to her earlier. Hunter, who had started clapping, noticed Luna’s behavior and decided to follow her lead. He placed his hands in his lap as well. He wanted the gesture to show her that he supported her and had her back. Also, herbehavior confirmed what he suspected to be true. Stella had said something offensive to Luna. He had been right all along.

Stella was handed a plaque, which she thanked everyone in the audience for. As she stepped off the stage, Luna silently wished it would be the last time she and Hunter had to see her. She desperately hoped that Frank, Hunter’s original coach, who needed to take leave to care for his sick father, would return. Thankfully, she was about to have her wish come true.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the man on stage said. “While we are thankful for Stella’s hard work, we are also thrilled to announce to everyone here, especially the team tonight, that Frank will be rejoining us as head coach for the remainder of the season. Everyone, please, welcome Frank!”

Frank walked out on stage. Hunter was elated to know that his good friend, who was like a father to him, was going to be back and in charge of the team once again. Hunter had great affection for Frank, as he was there for him during the time of his wife’s death. Both Hunter and Luna began clapping happily at the news of his return.

Afterward, there was dancing for everyone at the event. Hunter took Luna’s hand and led her to the dance floor. The dancing made both of them think of the first night they spent together when they had gone dancing at a nightclub shortly after Hunter saved her from the awful date. He loved watching Luna dance. She was so free and the best version of herself. He pulled her closer to his body.

“I love you so much,” Hunter said to her adoringly.

“I love you too,” Luna said softly.

She was thankful for this moment. It was a moment of peace amidst the day’s chaos. She was hoping things had settled down outside, but when it was finally time to leave, the flashing lights and loud shouting overwhelmed her again.

“Luna, over here!” one man shouted. “Let me take your picture!”

“Luna!” a woman shouted. “Luna, do you always sleep with your boss?”

The hurtful words caused Luna to hang her head low. She was ashamed. These people did not know the full story about her, but it didn’t matter.

They believed what they wanted, and they wanted to believe something scandalous. Whether it was to sell more stories to magazines or to make themselves feel better about themselves, they thought less of Hunter and Luna’s relationship. Hunter tried to place his body in front of the paparazzi, but there were just too many of them. As soon as they managed to get back into the car, Luna’s phone started buzzing with news alerts about their relationship. She began crying.

“What is it, honey?” Hunter asked her lovingly.

"This is all too much," Luna confessed. "I don’t know if I can handle it, Hunter. The lights, the photos, the shouting, those are one thing, but the world’s judgment is something else. You’re used to this. You’ve lived most of your adult life in the spotlight. But I haven’t. This is all new to me, and it’s overwhelming. I’m sorry."

Hunter did not know what to say because everything that Luna had said was the truth. He did not know how she felt. When he started to become famous, he was young, and he enjoyed it, to be honest. There were hardly any judgments around him.Even when his wife died, he felt the press supported him and printed loving stories about him and his wife. Now, even though the stories were negative, he didn’t care. All he cared about was Luna.

Hunter simply took Luna and held her in his arms, and then, the car drove back to the hotel. As soon as they pulled into the hotel’s entrance, they saw more paparazzi.

“Can you please drop us off at the back entrance?” Hunter asked the driver.

The driver obliged, and the couple was able to get away from the photographers. They hurriedly walked inside and went straight up to the room. Luna was silent. She took off her coat and immediately went into the bathroom to change. Hunter thanked the babysitter and made sure that Adam was sound asleep.

By the time he entered their bedroom, Luna was already lying in bed asleep. The day had exhausted her. She figured that the quicker she fell asleep, the quicker she could not think about what had transpired at tonight’s event. Hunter watched as she slept. She looked so peaceful, and he did not want to wake her. He hoped that this situation wouldn’t affect their relationship, but deep down, he knew it potentially could. He undressed and got into bed beside her. All he could do was hold her in his arms. He hoped that tomorrow would be better.

The next day, Luna woke up to puffy eyes. All of the crying from the night before had stayed with her the next morning. She placed a washcloth under ice-cold water and then placed the rag on her face. She tried to wake herself up. Adam ran into their bedroom.

“Pool time!” he exclaimed. “Let’s go to the pool!”

The original photographs of her and Hunter embracing by the pool flashed through Luna’s mind, causing her to sigh. She wasn’t in the mood for a morning by the pool. As Hunter sat up in bed, he gestured for her to come closer.

“What do you think?” Hunter asked Luna. “Should we go to the pool again today? I think we could fit in some pool time before we pack up and leave. What do you think?”

Luna walked into the bedroom, pressing a cold, wet washcloth under her eyes. She tried to think of a way to avoid going to the pool; she didn’t want any more pictures taken of her. She needed time to relax and process this new chapter in her life—a chapter filled with photographers, rumors, and constant news alerts on her phone.

“I think,” she started to say to Hunter and Adam. “I think that a pool morning sounds like a great daddy and son morning. I can stay back and pack everything up. Why don’t you two go down and enjoy the pool one last time?”

Hunter had picked up on the hint. Luna wanted to be alone, and after everything that had occurred last night, she deserved some peace and quiet. He nodded at her in agreement.

“Okay!” Hunter exclaimed. “We better go get ready!”