However, the other part of her knew that she could not handle constantly being in an emotional limbo in this relationship. She did not want to cause him more turmoil, but she also had to think about what she deserved as a woman. She did not want to find out in a couple of weeks or a month later that Hunter was with someone else.
She was sure that she was falling in love with him if she was not in love with him already. Although she knew that he was not in a place to say those words to her back, she wanted to know that she would be the only one in his life. Yet, based on this conversation, she wasn't. Hunter was still in love with his deceased wife; even if she was no longer here, in this world, she still had possession of Hunter’s heart.
Luna knew that she had to respect this. The life of a widower, who was also a single father, was complicated and deeply emotional. Her thoughts drifted back to Adam. Adam had been through so much at a young age, and he didn't even fully understand what he had been through.
It would not be until he was older that he would fully be able to grasp the concept of the emotional trauma he had endured as a young baby. She wanted to be there for Adam; she felt a natural maternal instinct for him. Adam and Luna had become close, as if they were mother and son, over the past few months, and she did not want to leave him high and dry.
She also knew that leaving her position as a nanny would cause more stress for Hunter during the hockey season, which was a significant part of his life. So, she decided to set things straight in a direct way. She contemplated her words for a brief moment before speaking.
“I appreciate you telling me all of this,” she said respectfully. “I know it is not easy for you to open up, and hearing all of this really does give me a better understanding of why you are the way that you are.”
Hunter smiled. So far, everything was going well. He was glad he had this conversation with her. He knew Luna had more to say, so he patiently waited to hear her words.
“I have strong feelings for you, Hunter,” she said honestly. “I know you are not in a position to reciprocate these feelings, but I cannot emotionally handle going back and forth. I just do not have it in me to do that.”
Hunter sighed and looked at the floor. He feared that this was it. She was going to be out of his life. He was going to lose her. There would be no seeing her in the mornings or at night. He was certain she would leave her job as his nanny and poor Adam. What was he going to do? How was he going to hire another nanny under such short notice? Thankfully, she interrupted his way of thinking.
“I am going to stay as your nanny,” Luna said calmly. “I care about and love Adam. I am not going to just leave him. We both know that he needs consistency, but this, us, we can’t be going back and forth.”
Hunter nodded in agreement. Everything she said was rational and to be expected. He was just happy that she was not entirely leaving his life. If they could only be professionals, that would be better than nothing. Who knew what the future would hold? At least, now, she was still in his life.
“I know,” Hunter said sadly. “I don’t want to hurt you. That isn’t my intention at all. I just have to get my shit together, you know? I have to get my shit together and focus on this hockey season. I feel like I have a lot on my plate.”
Luna agreed with him. This was a productive grown-up conversation. The reality was that adult relationships were naturally complicated because life was complicated. They both learned that the hard way. Each of them had dark parts of their past and had been bruised by life.
“I know we told each other this earlier,” Luna stated. “I know we have said this before, but we have to have a strictly professional relationship. If we are to be together again, I want it to be for real. If we are to be together again, I want us to be in a committed relationship.”
The two agreed and finished their coffee. When they were done, Luna picked up the empty coffee cups and placed them in the kitchen sink. She looked back at Hunter. He looked relieved, as if a weight had been lifted from him. She was thankful everything was out in the open between them. Well, almost everything was out in the open.
He knew Henry was interested in her, but he didn’t know that he had given Luna his number. He didn’t know that she was going to meet him after she left Hunter’s apartment. In her mind, there was no need for him to know.
They were only in a professional relationship now, not a romantic one, and she was free to do whatever she wanted to do. She told Hunter goodbye and walked out of the apartment, ready to see where the night would take her.
Chapter Eight: Present Wrongdoing
When Luna arrived at the bar, she saw Henry waiting for her. He saw her walk into the bar and waved her over to him. She walked towards him nervously. She did not know exactly why she was there. Perhaps she wanted to get back at Hunter for inappropriately flirting with Stella. Her feelings were hurt, and there was a part of her that wanted to hurt him. She sat down beside Henry.
He was a conventionally good-looking man, but he was nothing compared to Hunter. She already felt like she was settling for less. She smiled at Henry.
“Let me get you a drink,” Henry stated warmly. “What’s your poison?”
“Just a glass of red wine, please,” she stated happily. “I am a simple person.”
Henry looked at Luna and smiled while he tilted his head to the side.
“Oh,” Henry began to say while slightly chuckling. “I highly doubt that.”
Luna blushed. Henry definitely was not Hunter, but he was a good flirt. There was no harm in enjoying that, at least.
“What makes you say such a thing?” Luna responded with a smile.
“Well,” Henry started to say. “Someone as beautiful as you they are never simple. Real beauty always complicates things.”
Was that a compliment or an insult? Luna could not tell. Well, maybe Henry wasn’t that good of a flirt after all. Her smile faded, and she took a gulp of her wine as soon as the bartender handed it to her. Henry noticed the change in her demeanor.
“Real beauty complicates things in the best way,” Henry said nervously, trying to cover up his mistake. “What wants a simple life, anyways? Certainly not me. Life is just too short.”
Luna smiled gently. Henry was trying his best during this date, but the chemistry was just not there. Henry, who was set on getting back at Hunter, looked at Luna and knew there was no chance they were going to get together. For a moment, he felt bad. Hunter was the start hockey player, and he always got the most beautiful girls. As jealous as he was at times, it was obvious that Luna was not into their interaction.