He shook his head to himself; he didn't think so. It was true that he found Stella attractive, and there was a part of him who wanted this to happen. He had noticed her looking at him off and on throughout the months, and at first, he tried to fight off her flirtatious behavior.

However, now he was wondering if she could really make him feel good and forget everything that was happening. Would a little impulse control be a bad thing? He also wondered if all of him would fit in Stella’s mouth.

He just needed to feel good. So, what if his judgment was clouded? Did it really matter? If things were salvageable for him and Luna. She didn’t need to know about this situation.

“Would you like me to make you feel better?” Stella seductively asked.

Hunter nodded his head up and down. He was going to do this.

“We only have a few moments,” Stella said. “So, we have to make this quick.”

Hunter understood. He looked behind him to make sure the blinds on the door were closed.

“They are closed,” Stella said to him, reading his mind. “Just go lock the door quickly.”

Hunter stood up and walked over to the door and locked it, and when he turned around, he saw that Stella had unbuttoned her blouse entirely.

Her skirt was up, and he saw her matching red lingerie set. Hunter immediately got hard.

“I see you are excited already,” she said seductively. “Why don’t you unzip your pants so I can taste how hard you are.”

Hunter reached down and unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them, but then something came over him. His body stiffened. What was he doing? He cared about Luna, and even though they were not officially together, he did not want to be with anyone else. This was nothing more than temptation. He quickly got up from his seat.

“Come here,” Stella said. “Sit down, here.”

“I can’t do this,” Hunter said seriously. “This was a mistake. This is not appropriate. You are my head coach! I’m so sorry, but this is a mistake.”

“Oh, don’t be like that, Hunter,” “Come here, let me make you feel good.”

“No,” Hunter seriously stated. “This never happened.”

While Hunter was debating being intimate with Stella, outside on the ice rink, Luna walked in with Adam. She had brought Adam to see her father as a surprise. She was also hoping to be able to tell him her answer to his question earlier this morning. She wanted to tell Hunter that she was going to wait for him. She knew waiting would be hard, but she cared deeply about him and thought this was the best thing to do.

She looked down on the ice and didn't see him playing anywhere, but she did see Henry. Henry came up as soon as he noticed her. He really did find her attractive, and his interaction with Hunter earlier made him determined to spend at least one night with her. As soon as she saw him, she was taken aback by his swollen nose.

She immediately inquired about his nose, and Henry made up some lie on the spot, saying that he had fallen on the ice and hurt it. She didn’t know if she believed his story, as he seemed nervous talking about his injury. When Luna asked where Hunter was, he said he didn't know but that he thought he had seen him in the locker room before heading to Stella's office. He asked if she wanted him to watch Adam while she went to look for him, and Luna was thankful for this offer and took him up on it.

Luna slowly walked across the ice rink down to the hallway, and when she finally got to Stella's office, she attempted to open the door and noticed that it was locked. She put her hand on the doorknob, but it would not turn. She thought about walking away, thinking for a moment that no one was in the office when she heard two people arguing.

She pressed her ear to the door and heard Hunter and Stella’s voices — they were arguing. She listened carefully, then gasped as the details became clear. Hunter was having an inappropriate conversation with Stella, and they were arguing about not being intimate. Luna hadn’t known that Hunter had refused Stella’s advances, though it seemed he had almost given in. For all she knew, Hunter could have been with someone else, and that thought hurt her deeply. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Here, she had come down to tell him she was willing to wait for him. She would endure his emotional problems, but she could not endure this. She wanted to be his only one, and listening to that conversation with Stella would not work for her. It was all too much for her. Her heart was broken into a million pieces. She tried not to cry as she walked back to the ice rink.

When she made her way back to Adam and Henry, it was obvious that she was upset. She tried to keep her composure, as she did not want Adam to see her upset.

“Did you find him?” Henry asked inquisitively.

Luna nodded and sniffled at the same time. Henry noticed her cheeks were streaked. For a moment, he was genuinely concerned. Then, he realized this was his moment to step in and appear to be the knight in shining armor. He wanted to be Henry, the man to the rescue.

“I found him,” Luna finally replied. “He is very busy, though. This isn’t a great time for us to see him at work. Adam, it is time to go.”

She grabbed Adam’s hand, and then he started crying. He wanted to see his father, and she wanted to get the hell out of there.

“Are you sure you can’t stay a bit longer?” Henry asked her. "I was hoping to get to know you better. How about I grab us some coffee, and we can sit and chat until Hunter is free?"

Luna knew what Henry was doing. She was not a stupid woman, but the idea of getting back at Hunter brought joy to her soul. What the hell? She could stay for a cup of coffee and a conversation. Adam continued to cry. She leaned down and hugged him. She told him they would stay and see Hunter. Adam calmed down and began playing with some toys Luna had brought to keep him occupied.

Henry left and got coffee from the break room. On his way out, he noticed Hunter walking out of Stella’s office. He looked frazzled. Henry thought it was odd. Why was the door locked? Why was he speaking to Stella? The whole thing was odd. Hunter’s face was flushed, and Henry slowly walked behind him,carrying Luna's coffee. Hunter was too frazzled to notice that someone was behind him.