“The question is how you didn’t notice. Slightly concerning.”
“I wasn’t exactly expecting my friends to rob me.”
“Ah! You said friend. You can’t take it back now.” I drag her into a hug, careful not to hit her with the bags, and sway her gently back and forth.
She tilts her head to rest her chin on my chest and glares at me, but I don’t care. My arms are around her and her head’s on my chest.
“Slip of the tongue.”
“Don’t care. It counts.” My head ducks and I press a kiss to her cheek. Her soft and heated cheek, and it takes everything in me not to tilt my head and kiss her lips. But I control myself, release her, and stride to the front door. “See you inside, sweetie.”
Her scoff follows me inside, and I’m glad my back’s to her so she can’t see my grin. My sister does, though.
“Not a word. I’ll explain later,” I murmur. “Mum and Dad here yet?” I ask louder when I see Maddy enter the lounge.
Her bags are on her shoulder and she clutches mine in her hand. Warmth spreads through my chest. She probably doesn’t realise it’s my bag she’s holding, but it makes me feel good, imagining she thought of me.
“They’ve gone to get dinner.” She glances at Maddy. “They’ll buy enough for everyone.”
Maddy freezes and panicked eyes land on me as I take the bags from her and set them to the side. “Oh, I’m sorry to intrude. I can?—”
“You’re not. It’s Daniel’s fault for being useless.”
“But a nice surprise to see her beautiful face,” I say and watch Maddy duck her head.
“A lovely surprise.”
“Can I use the bathroom, please?” Maddy asks with a strangled voice.
“Up the stairs, first door on the left.”
I watch her disappear, and my eyes only leave her when someone slaps my arm. “Ow.” I rub my arm and find Emma with glee in her eyes.
“I can’t believe you finally pulled her. I thought for sure you would die alone.”
“Shut up.” I shove her towards the kitchen, away from the stairs and Maddy’s ears.
“How long has it been going on? I can’t believe you kept it a secret.”
I sigh heavily and put groceries away. “We aren’t really dating.”
“What do you mean? What’s with all the touching?”
“She thinks you guys think we’ve been together for six months.” I face the fridge, too terrified to see Emma’s reaction.
Emma swings me around. A frown mars her face. “And what gave her that idea?”
My cheeks burn. “I may have told her that.”
“What? How does that even come up in conversation?”
I shut the fridge and fill a glass with water. My throat’s dry and getting out the explanation is difficult. “I told her you were asking why I’m not dating anyone and I said I told you I was dating Maddy, so she needed to come today to make it look believable. Something about a bet we made.”
“A bet? I can’t believe you. Just ask her out.”
“Why not?” she says sharply. “You’re lying to her and getting us to lie for you.”