Page 22 of Whimsical Ink

She’s breathless and wet in my arms, cheeks spread wide in a grin, pink from her sprint but shaded by her hat. I lift her higher, and her legs wrap around my waist.

“That’s cheating, sweetie.”

“Is it? I could have sworn it wasn’t in the rules? Emma, was there a rule about moving the wicket? I don’t recall a rule about bowling before the batter was ready either?”

“You know, Maddy? I think you’re right.” Emma takes the wicket from Maddy and heads towards the makeshift pitch. “Come on. Let’s see how good the birthday girl is.”

Maddy’s arms wrap around my neck, and I tighten my hold on her. “You know, I’m pretty sure this means I win the bet.”

“Are you going to claim your prize?” My heart races.

Her head tilts until the brim of our hats knock together. “Maybe.”

She ducks below my hat and presses a fleeting kiss to my lips.

Heat spreads through my chest, but before I can kiss her again, before I can haul her as close as possible and devour her, she untangles herself from me.

She has a tiny smile on her face. “You gonna watch me win this thing?”

I nudge her hat up to see her face better. See her smile and the playfulness in her eyes. “You still think you’re going to win?”

“I know I’m gonna win.”

“Wanna bet?”

Maddy laughs. “Sure. What are we betting this time?”

I snag her hand and play with her fingers and ignore the pounding in my chest. “What Emma said originally. I win, and I get to kiss you. You win, and you can choose my next tattoo.”

“What if I don’t want to choose?”

“I know you want to choose because I know there’s a file of stuff in your office you want to try next.” I shrug. “Do it on me.”

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, scans my sleeve, stares at my lips, and finally locks eyes with me. “Fine. You’re on.”

Her hand thrusts out for me to shake. I grasp it, and before she moves, I drag her close and kiss her cheek. Keeping hold of her hand, I guide us to the pitch and hand her the bat.

“Good luck, sweetie.”And I hope you lose so I can kiss you.

“I don’t need luck. I’ve got skill.”

I laugh and head to the waves. “Well, have some luck anyway.”

Emma bowls, and the ball flies at Maddy, and I’m ready for anything.

I wasn’t ready to witness the weakest attempt to hit the ball I’ve ever seen. She misses it and turns to watch it roll down the beach, towards Mum, who waits for it to reach her.

“What was that, birthday girl?”

“I thought you didn’t need luck because you’ve got skill,” I tease.

“Maybe I do.” She shrugs and looks unconcerned.

Facing Emma again, she gets ready and something’s different this time. Her knees are bent and she’s adjusted her grip on the bat. I frown.

The ball comes at her and she whacks it halfway down the beach, away from any of us, and wanders to the line and back again. Multiple times before we retrieve the ball.

I lock eyes with her.