I hit the ball and cringe as it heads towards a group of guys coming our way. It bounces in front of them, and one guy bends and picks it up. His eyes catch on Maddy meandering towards them, and after a quick scan down her body, he chucks it to her without a word.
She turns to us and lifts it, catching me stationary between the creases. “You aren’t running, corporate boy!”
I walk to the line in front of Dad, turn, and walk backwards. “You’re too far away to get me out.”
“Wanna bet?” she yells and throws the ball.
An accurate ball. Too accurate.
“Shit.” I spin and lurch towards the crease, thrusting the bat across the crease as the ball knocks the wicket over to the sound of laughter from the group of guys and my family. Maddy’s laugh mixes with everyone else, but I can pinpoint it exactly. She’s behind me.
“I think your luck’s out, sweetie.”
The group passes us, and the guy who gave her the ball says, “Good shot.”
“He’s right.” I nod at them. “It was a good shot.”
She flushes and grins at me. “I know. That’s why I didn’t need luck.”
I kick sand at her feet. “I’m not out yet.”
She kicks sand back. “I bet you’re out next ball.”
“What are we betting?”
“A kiss.”
We whirl to Emma, who’s appeared beside us.
“A kiss?” Maddy asks, and her throat bobs.
Blue eyes dart to mine, and I shrug. In her mind, everyone thinks we’re dating, so it would make sense. But I wouldn’t kiss her if she felt uncomfortable. I’d imagine it instead and continue dreaming about her.
Emma crosses her arms. “If he wins, he gets a kiss. If you win…he lets you tattoo whatever you want.”
“That’s hardly the same thing,” she replies.
Emma shrugs.
Maddy considers me, and I try to convey it’s her choice without saying it. It will always be her choice.
“I’m not tattooing whatever I want on you. A kiss for whoever wins.” She nods at me and returns to her position, leaving me behind and breathless.
Is it because she feels like she has to, or does shewantto kiss me?
“You’re welcome,” Emma says and wanders off.
Well, now stakes are high. Do I want to kiss her, or do I want her to kiss me more? I’d take either.
I face Dad and wait for the ball. Hitting it as close to the dunes as possible, I run.
I hit the line and turn, keeping an eye on Emma foraging for the ball. Glancing at the wicket, I gasp in outrage. “Interference! Referee, she’s interfering.”
Maddy drags the wicket further away from me while I chase after it. She picks it up and, with a grin at me, turns and races towards Emma, sand kicking up behind her.
“Overruled,” Mum shouts.
I chase after her. The bat gets dropped somewhere along the way and as the girls reach each other, Emma hits the wicket, and they whoop. I’m running too fast to stop, so I sweep Maddy into my arms and spin her around, wicket and all. She screams and clutches me, the wicket banging my back, but I don’t care.