“Well, since you went to all that trouble of drawing a penis on your brother’s face,” I try to hide my smile. Really, I do, “I’m going to impose on a little more of your time.”

“Understood,” he nods, eyeing Erin, who lifts her brows unforgivingly. Her expression every bit ‘I told you so.’

“And while you’re at it, you can add this to your list,” Ruby says, lifting a sheet of paper before it promptly rolls down three times its original size. Brenden’s eyes widen at the length ofher annual last-minute list. One she typically sends her most dependable kids to fetch. Not this year.

“Me?” Brenden squeaks like a pubescent boy.

“Last time I checked, you had two arms, two legs, and a wallet,” she snaps. “And I swear to God, Son, you give me any more lip, you’ll lose it.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he states, his ears turning a rare red. “Sorry, Mom,” he adds genuinely before hauling ass to the hall tree to wrap up.

“You miss one thing on that list. You go right back,” she snaps after him, refusing his olive branch so soon.

“Thatch, Serena,” Ruby draws up next, and I walk further into the living room so she can address me, or rather, bitch me out.

“It’s not working,” she states, and I nod as she points to Allen. “Pantspissed!” She reminds us all as Allen hangs his head in shame.

“I’m on it, Mom,” I relay as Gracie comes down the stairs, her face splotched, which is evidence enough, but apparently not for Grammy.

“Young lady,” Ruby addresses her in her most serious tone. Gracie quickly scans the room in fear before facing her livid grandmother. “I don’t care what you do in your own home—your parents can discipline you for that—but in this house, you will respect us. You will fall in line, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Sir,” Peyton shouts as I palm my face.

“And you,” she looks down to Peyton. “Take a damn bath, youstink.”

“I going to Grammy! Daddy just told me.”

“Good. Change your clothes, too, I’m sick of that shirt, and we don’t take the Lord’s name in vain in this house. No more ‘Jesus for Christ,’ understood?”

“Yes, Sir,” he mumbles nervously.

“Erin, carry on, you’re the only one who will be invited next year,” Ruby says as Erin rocks Jameson in the recliner, grinning in response.

“Whitney,” Ruby clips out, and Whitney shuffles in from the kitchen in her elf slippers, looking every bit like she’s on the plank.

“When your husband wakes up from his coma, you two make dinner.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“It’s Sir,yes Sir, be spectful, Auntie Whit,” Peyton whisper yells as Brenden slams the door closed, his laughter following him to his truck.

Ruby takes a patient breath, and it’s then I spot the gumdrops in her closed fist. “I want a quiet night, and I meanquiet,” she states. “Understood?”

We all nod as she turns on her heel and grabs Allen’s hand, leading him down the hall toward their bedroom. “We need a miracle to save this Christmas, honey.” We hear echo back as Serena meets my eyes, hers shadowed with the truth—we should have stayed home.

We ruined Christmas.

Shutting myself into the cab of Thatch’s truck before he has a chance to take off, he gapes over at me in surprise. His complexion reddening just after in ... embarrassment?

He ate quickly tonight, barely dropping his napkin on his plate with a ‘thank you’ before making an excuse to take off. Even knowing we have a standing date later, I followed him out just after, determined to delve a little deeper into his life outside of our hideout. Knowing I’m crossing a line he’s continually drawn and made clear, it’s evident in his reception now that I’m flirting too close to it as he says as much. “What the fuck are you doing, Serena?”

“Coming with you,” I tell him, palming the space behind my right shoulder in search of my seatbelt and coming up empty as he shakes his head in refusal.

“No, you aren’t. Go back inside. I’ll see you later tonight.”

“It’s only fair. You’ve seen my room. So, now I want to see yours.”

“That’s a definite fuck no,” he counters quickly and adamantly.