Completely unaffected that his son is an underachiever, a grin simpers on Brenden’s lips as he, too, scrutinizes our brother.

“Getting your lunges in, bro?” Brenden asks through a chuckle, equally baffled.

“Baby?” Whitney prompts her husband from where she sits at the other end of the table, eating some leftover chicken spaghetti. Her fork stops midair as Eli takes one last giant leap for his kind before leaning against the wall as if exhausted.

“What. Is. Happening?” Brenden blurts before bursting into laughter.

“Peyton,” Eli exhales in affection before kneeling in front of my son and pulling him in for a tight hug. “I love you so much, little guy.”

“You acting weally weird, Uncle Eli, but you can be in my cwub.”


Tossing salt on the wound, the little shit looks back at me,grinningbecause he knows.

“Am I weird?” Eli jerks to standing. “Well, I’m,” he looks over to where Whitney sits at the table, frowning at him. “You going to eat that?” He asks her where she sits, both frozen and terrified, her fork poised halfway to her mouth.

“Eat the food on my fork, babe?” She giggles nervously.

Eli stalks straight toward her and takes her bite of spaghetti, and she gapes at him.

“Savage, man,” Brenden says. “I approve.”

“Jesus for Christ!” Peyton exclaims.

“He’s got my vote,” Brenden jibes. “What is in the water this week?”

I glance over to see Ruby watching the interaction from where she’s wiping down the counter in the kitchen. Her rag paused before a knowing smile upturns her lips.

“Mom,” I call, and her eyes dart to mine, suspicion brewing in her expression. “What’s going on?” I mouth.

“Beats me, kid, but then again,” she lifts her chin toward Eli as if telling me to watch.

Eli gently pulls out a seat and slowly, so slowly, sits in front of Whitney as if introducing himself as a chess opponent before summoning another bite.

“Can I have more of that?” Eli asks, practically batting his eyelashes.

“Baby, there’s a whole bowl of it in—hey! DUDE!” Eli, having snatched her fork, already has a third bite in his mouth before Whitney has a chance to fully object.

“So very savaaage,” Brenden gushes in encouragement.

“Eli,” I prompt, examining him closely. “What were you doing before you came downstairs?”

“I was cleaning,” he animates in a way I’ve never seen, all his features twisting at once. “Toys everywhere, everywhere, I meaneverywhere.” He drops the fork suddenly and presses his forehead to Whitney’s. “You’re so fucking cute.”

“Ohhhh,” Wyatt says. “Bad word.” I stare over at him, positive it’s the only thing he’s said since he’s been here.

“Good on you,” I tell him before flitting my attention back to Eli.

“Little ears, Eli,” Whitney scolds even as she giggles at her husband’s curious animation. “Mom, did Eli find your eggnog?”

“I will kill you,” Brenden states. “If you drank it all, I’m taking your present back.”

“Daddy!” Peyton draws out in a panic as Eli starts to kiss Whitney’s hand and arm, leading it up to her lips.

“Eli,” Brenden chuckles, “you have the Raggedy Ann room if you want to do disgusting things to my sister.”

Whitney turns her head helplessly as Eli assaults her with crazed kisses while telling her she’s adorable.