“What is Bebe’s kids?” Serena asks.
“It’s a movie,” Whitney says in short explanation, her voice full of concern.
“It’s every parent’s worst nightmare, is what it is,” Brenden states. “What is wrong with them? Gracie told Conner to shut up just before they left the table. No one tells Conner to shut up ... like ever. Little witch.”
“Watch it,” Ruby warns Brenden before he lifts his palms in feigned innocence.
“I’m just saying, I see it. They weren’t like this last year.”
“Serena and Thatch almost stayed home,” Ruby states. “I don’t think any of us wants that.”
“Speak for yourself,” Brenden jokes a second before his face twists in pain. “Oof, baby, shit, do you sharpen that elbow at night?” Erin lifts the elbow she just dislodged from his ribs in threat. “Of course, I don’t mean that,” Brenden continues. “Well, sans Serena.”
“You know, you joke, brother,” Serena counters, her tone watery, “but you act a lot like me. Say the same type of shit, and call itconfidence,” Serena defends. “The difference is my delivery. And I get it, I’m thebitchy one, and it’s a running joke in this family, but this shit is not funny. I’m your sister, and I’m hurting right now, and I’m asking you for fucking help.”
“Babe,” I hedge softly, and Serena looks over to me, contempt for her brother shining clear in her eyes, as well as guilt. Most of it is her belief that Gracie’s behavior is her fault. She gives me a nod to take the floor, her emotions already running high. Which in her defense, I understand because Brenden’s kids are models for behavior, which only makes us both feel worse.
“Let’s put that shit away for a second, okay, brother?” I tell Brenden.
Brenden frowns at Serena as his discomfort sets in. He’s not the guy for emotional conversations. Unless the conversation is with or about Erin, his inclination is to forever run away from talks of this sort. Which has gotten him in trouble in the past. But it’s just part of who he is. Even so, he reads the room and thankfully steps up. “Sorry, sis.”
“Yeah,” Serena says dismissively, waving him away.
“No, I mean it, Serena, I’m sorry,” Brenden insists, and Serena reads the sincerity in his expression and nods.
“Me too, bro, I’m just stressed, and Bebe’s kids don’t have shit on ours lately.”
“We’re in trouble here,” I interject. “Peyton is terrorizing his teacher and classmates inpre-K. He’s biting and mimicking Gracie’s worst behaviors. Days ago, he was swinging from hisdamned ceiling fan because Gracie helped string it up to keep him occupied while she talked Tik Tok bullshit or whatever fascinates tween girls these days.”
“Jesus,” Eli whispers, his eyes darting between us. “He could have—”
“That’s why the destruction of our brand-new house is the least of our concerns,” Serena tosses in as Whitney inches toward her sister. “It’s gotten to the point we can’t go a single day without some incident. And these incidents are supposed to be theonce-a-yeartype of incidents.”
“The latest?” I continue. “Gracie got picked up for shoplifting after we cut off her allowance.” Whitney’s eyes immediately snap to mine, Ruby and Allen’s attention growing just as heavy on my profile while I swallow the sting of that admission.
“Thatch,” Whitney summons, brown eyes earnest when I glance over, “that isnoton you.”
“I know, or in a way I do,” I say unconvincingly. “Then again, isn’t it?”
A short silence lingers, and it’s damning as hell. Even so, Whitney steps forward, intent on consoling me. “Thatch, it was a decisionGracie made,” she says in my defense. “And we’re with you,” she glances toward Eli, who looks pained.
“That,” I say, pointing at him. “I know how close you are to Peyton, brother, but this shit is serious. He—” I swallow, still unable to talk about the image haunting me. “They’re disobeying us to the point it’s getting dangerous. Really fucking dangerous,” I relay in a grave tone. “So, either we leave here within the hour, and we understand because this is your holiday too—”
“My ass,” Allen finally speaks, looking equally disturbed. “We do this together,” he insists adamantly.
“Or we stay,” I finish, “but fair warning, this is likely not going to be fun.”
“We’ll be fine,” Whitney says. “Just tell us what to do.”
“Follow our lead,” I say, looking at each of them pointedly. “That’s all we ask. We’re not asking you to watch them or step in. In fact, we’re asking you don’t.”
“Can they do the activities?” Whitney inquires.
“As long as they behave,” Serena answers. “The minute they don’t, they’re out.”
“We’re in,” Erin says. “Whatever you need,” she continues, looking toward Brenden, who, to his credit, looks equally bothered.
“Got it,” Brenden says as Ruby glowers at him. “Got it... Mom, jeez, you don’t have to give me the demon mom look. Icanbe serious,” he defends. “I do have children of my own.” All of us—including his own wife—give him dead stares as he ducks beneath them and spouts off. “I’m quickly becoming offended.”