Page 26 of False Evidence

Her gaze dropped to his hand and took in the dark shape.

She let out a soft cry, and tears burst forth as what she was seeing in the dim room became clear.

Her daughter was sound asleep, snuggled in a ball against JT’s bare chest.


JT couldn’t believe his eyes. He had to be dreaming. A fantasy his conscious mind didn’t dare offer up, but which slipped around the barriers when he finally got the little hellion to settle down and sleep.

He held Lex’s gaze, not even daring to breathe lest he wake the tiny, volatile Mr. Hyde who rested on his heart.

“Gemma?” Lex’s voice was a choked whisper.

She reached out a hand, as if to touch her daughter’s soft hair, but then pulled back. Was she also afraid to break this magic and wake the demon?

Gemma let out a soft snuffling sound, her body completely relaxed on his chest. As if this was the most normal thing in the world.

He cupped the back of Gemma’s head and then scooted to lean against the armrest so he was no longer flat on his back.

The movement broke the spell, and Alexandra let out a sob and dropped to her knees next to the couch. She rained kisses all over Gemma’s blonde hair, some landing on JT’s fingers. She straightened and kissed JT’s cheek, then burrowed her head into his neck and let out a muffled sob.

He wrapped an arm around her and scooped her up. She shifted, pressing herself to his side on the extra-wide lounge seat. She snuggled against him, her hand cupping the back of her daughter’s head as she silently sobbed.

JT’s tears fell too, rolling down his cheek and soaking her hair. He could burst with the amount of emotion he was holding inside.

Finally, Lex let out a shuddering breath and whispered, “How did you know I was here?”

He shook his head slightly. “I didn’t. We didn’t. I’d planned to come here for the holiday anyway, and Lee figured it would be safest for Gemma if she wasn’t with them.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “Thank you. For protecting my baby.”

His tears also fell as he choked out his response. “Of course.”

He had a thousand questions for her, starting with what happened on that deserted Maryland road, but right now, he just wanted to hold her. Hold her daughter. Breathe.

Get his emotions under control.

She burrowed against him, and he realized how cold her body was. He grabbed the throw that was draped over the back of the couch and did his best to drape it over her without shifting too much to wake the kid.

“You’re freezing.”

“I saw your car on the driveway when you first drove up. I wasn’t sure if it was you or someone looking for me, so I hid in the woods, waiting for darkness, so I could sneak in and see who was here.”

“When did you get here?”

“Late the night…everything happened. I would have told you—or Lee—but no phone. No computer.”

Had she been here before he picked up Gemma? If he’d come straight here instead of stopping at the motel… But he couldn’t regret that. It had been the best choice he could make at the time.

“It’s good that you didn’t call Lee. The cops are likely watching his house. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got a warrant to tap his landline. No way could they listen in on his cell, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. I haven’t checked in with him since I got Gemma.”

The child shifted, and he realized he was creeping toward speaking in a normal voice. He’d said her name, which could be one of her wake words.

Alexandra’s gaze had been fixed on her daughter since she’d snuggled to his side. Now, she sat up and stroked her daughter’s soft blonde hair. More tears fell as she said, “I’ve been terrified I’d never get to hold her again.” She then lifted her sleeping daughter from his chest and shifted her to her own.

Cold seeped in at the loss of the bundle of heat against his heart, but a different warmth flooded him as he watched the love of his life sob as she cuddled her daughter.

Gemma smelled of baby shampoo and Cheerios, and Alexandra couldn’t hold back the cry that erupted from her as she held her baby tight.