“Then how did he get in? Did you leave the door unlocked?”
“Of course not!”
“Then he had a copy made without telling you at some point.”
“Brent wouldn’t do that.”
“And yet he washere. With Russ. He held onto our only phone and watched Russ shove me into the wall.”
“What happened?”
As emotionlessly as she could, Alexandra gave a rundown of everything that happened, leaving out the cops’ implied accusations. Russ would have a field day if Kendall shared that tidbit with Brent.
“You let cops search my room? Not cool.”
“You know what’s also not cool? Being assaulted in my own home by a man who’d planned to drug and rape me.”
“It must’ve been Russ who copied my key. At Brent’s place, he could have gotten it from my purse. He was over often enough.”
“It doesn’t matter who made the key. Brent was here, with Russ, who threatened me. So I’m having the locks changed, andyouare paying for it.
“I can’t afford that.”
“Then make Brent pay for it, because it sure as fuck isn’t my fault, but I need to be safe in my own home.” Her voice dropped. “Brent was here with him. They probably came here right from the arraignment. Are you really going to stay with a man who’s aiding and abetting the man who planned to rape me?”
“Brent doesn’t believe Russ did it. People at work, they have it out for Russ because he’s running some big project. Drake—one of the company owners—insisted on Russ as the project manager even over Talon’s objections. Talon has been trying to find a reason to get rid of him. This could be it.”
The words were a blow to the gut. “Listen to yourself making excuses for a guy you’ve only been dating for two months. We’ve been best friends and roommates for six years. This isn’t about an engineering project. It’s about sexual assault. Mybody. And you’re going to believe some bullshit conspiracy theory? Explain why he had a hotel room. And why he pressured me to take a drink.”
Tears spilled down Kendall’s face. “I don’t know, Alex. I just—oh my god. Russ really was going to rape you? And Brent washere? With Russ?”
It appeared her words had finally sunk in.
Alexandra nodded. “I’m going to get a restraining order against Russ. Brent too, if I can. He will not be allowed anywhere near this apartment as long as I live here. Even if I can’t get the restraining order, I’m afraid it’s me or him, Kendall.”
Kendall didn’t say anything.
“When are you going to Tanya’s?”
“Is Brent going with you?”
“He was, but…I don’t know.”
“You have until the day after Christmas to decide. If you choose him, that’ll give me a week to find a place. I’ll move out New Year’s Day.”
It really hurt that Kendall just nodded. No objections. No saying of course she’d choose her best friend of six years.
No. She needed to think about it.
Maybe Alexandra should move out no matter what Kendall decided.
The last thing JT wanted to do on the Tuesday before Christmas was drive north to New York City for a meeting with Edward Drake, but his dad’s business partner was avoiding his calls and emails, and there was nothing left to be done but confront the man who owned one-third of Talon & Drake in person.
Russ Spaulding was done. No severance package. No reference. There was nothing Drake could do to protect his pet this time.