Calvin stumbled forward, still reaching for Lex. She evaded his grasping hand as JT caught him and spun him around. “Fight me, not her, asshole.”
This began sixteen years ago with Lex as the victim, but the target had always been JT. Kendall had suffered and paid the ultimate price because of this man’s greed and Edward Drake’s need for power.
JT threw a punch that bloodied Calvin’s nose.
The man grinned through the blood. “You’ve got nothing on me, JT. But my attorneys will be thrilled to hear you assaulted me.”
“Why did you kill your cousin, Moss?”
“Stupid to lie about things that are a matter of public record. Suspicious that you didn’t mention your connection to Officer Williams to Lex when you had the chance.”
“Of course I didn’t say anything. I’m in the middle of buying your company. What my distant cousin did has nothing to do with me.”
“Second cousin isn’t so distant,” Lex said. “Did you kill him because he fucked up when I knocked him out and escaped?”
“You’re out of your mind.”
“Did you order Williams to kill Kendall,” she continued, “or was he acting on his own?”
Moss opened his mouth to answer but he saw the trap and snapped his jaw closed.
“Forbes is talking,” JT said. “You and Spaulding are going down for murder.”
Lex stood in the promenade behind Calvin, who faced JT standing in the office doorway. She glanced toward the lobby and grinned. “Oh, good. They’re here.”
Calvin turned and saw the approaching officers. He blanched and twisted, grabbing Lex and holding her in front of him before JT could stop him.
He pulled a gun from the inside pocket of his jacket. Before he could bring it up, Lex swung out with her right arm, shoving the gun up. She pivoted to face him and kneed him in the balls. JT made his move, grabbing Calvin’s gun hand and twisting his arm behind his back.
Then the cops were upon them, completing the takedown. Moss was cuffed and patted down as his rights were read. Carrying concealed in the District of Columbia would be added to the charges that included murder, extortion, embezzlement, industrial espionage, and accessory to murder.
Kendall’s camera had been found in Moss’s home, as had Alexandra’s laptop and a box of memorabilia that included her mother’s copy ofThe Joy of Cooking.
Moss’s business attorney, who had been present for the signing, made it more than clear he didn’t handle criminal law, but he agreed to accompany the man to the police station for booking and advised his client to say nothing until he found an attorney who could give him proper representation.
Good luck finding a defense attorney on New Year’s Eve.
Next week, JT would begin the search for a new, far better, buyer. He would make sure his employees were taken care of. And then he would bow out.
But for now, the only thing on his agenda was getting ready for their wedding.
Erica fastened the necklace around Alexandra’s neck, then stepped back. “Now that’s a spectacular something blue.”
She laughed, touching the blue diamonds at the center of the galaxy. She studied her reflection, running her hands over the fitted bodice and voluminous skirt of the silver gown. She’d forgotten how much she loved this dress. Had blocked it out.
“This is really happening,” she murmured.
“You look fabulous. Ready to head down?”
“I’ll text Lee and make sure JT’s in the ballroom and not out on the promenade.”