Everybody looks up at the sound of Marcel’s voice.
He’s appeared in the doorway to the dining room, his arms folded over his chest. He carries a note of tension with him that instantly spreads across the room. The mood shifts from the festive holiday energy we’d been enjoying to a tense uncertainty.
“Feeling better, Marcel?” Stitches asks.
“You mean after the boat sank and we almost drowned? All things considered.”
“Sounds like a freak accident,” Sasha says, shrugging.
“Sounds like I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“Marcel!” I snap, popping to my feet. “Can I see you in the kitchen for a second?”
My brother scowls before obliging with a nod. He tails me into the kitchen, reminding me of what a petulant child he’d been at times when we were small. The kitchen door flaps shut behind us as we turn to face each other.
“What the hell’s your problem?” I ask without mincing words. “You’ve had an attitude since you showed up here! You realize you didn’t have to come, right?”
“Seems like that’s what you would’ve preferred.”
“I would’ve preferred if the older brother who I love very much wasn’t acting like an asshole. So, again, I askwhatis your problem?”
He cuts his angry gaze away from mine, his arms tight around his chest. “I don’t like the things I’m seeing.”
“Such as?”
“The person you’ve become. The person you’ve browbeat Dad into becoming.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I ask, cognizant that we’re notreallyalone. Salvatore being Salvatore is likely just on the other side of the door.
As always, ready to jump in on my behalf. Ready to defend me the moment he deems it’s necessary.
But it seems like it’s more of a situation where I’ll have to defend him.
“Isn’t it obvious, Delphine? You’ve married into a crime family. Dad once stood against that on principle alone. Now you’ve got him chuckling and chitchatting with these guys like it’s nothing. You realize how unbelievable that is?”
“You knew who I was married to before you came here.”
“I had to see it with my own two eyes. Just how you’ve brainwashed Dad. And how brainwashed you?—”
“What? That I am? You think I’m brainwashed too, Marcel?”
“He’s done a number on you. That’s all I’ll say.”
I laugh in disbelief, shaking my head. “Your audacity never fails to amaze me. The fucking gall it takes to do this right now!”
“Better late than never. I was hoping you’d still see reason.”
“You know what? You never should’ve come. I’ve been with Salvatore for damn near nine years, married to him for seven of those years. Where were you? You were doing business overseas, chasing foreign ass and living it up! You were never there when I needed you. You were never around when I went through the darkest times of my life. But you know who was there for me? You know who loved me through it?” I rant, my skin hot. “Salvatore! Salvatore was there for me and proved he was the man for me! If you don’t like it—if you refuse to accept it—then you can get the hell out and never look back. I’m out of patience for the judgment.”
I whip around to march from the kitchen only to bump right into Salvatore. He’s entered without me even realizing it. Hishands reach out to steady me while his hard gaze remains on Marcel. I can feel his offense on my behalf.
Salvatorewouldbe more insulted by how my brother’s treating me than what he’s said about him.
“Marcel, I welcomed you to my family vacation with open arms,” he says calmly. “I was looking forward for the opportunity to get to know Delphine’s brother better. But it seems you’re here to be problematic and ruin the occasion. If you can’t be civilized, then you’re going to have to leave.”
Marcel scoffs. “A mobster telling me to be civilized. That’s rich.”
“I’m not asking,” Salvatore says. “If you can’t behave yourself, then you’ll have to leave. Make up your mind quickly. We have family dinner to return to.”