Page 41 of Ribbons and Roses

“Tell her not to break the heads off my Cosmic Man action figures!”

“Rena, did you do that?”

Serena pouts, her bottom lip poked out. “It was an accident, Daddy.”

“Then what do you say when you do something by accident?” I ask, wiping my hands on the kitchen towelette. I’ve just stuck the turkey in the oven and turned to face them.

“Sorry,” Serena mumbles. She reaches for her bunny rabbit and hugs it against her chest.

I’d chuckle if they weren’t right in front of me.

The five- and seven-year-olds drive me and Delphine crazy at times, but they also provide endless entertainment. They’ve reached the phase where one second they’re best friends and the next second they can’t stand each other.

We’re constantly having to referee, reminding them they should always have each other’s back. Dominic knows he needs to look out for his little sister and brother while Serena’s learning to listen to her big brother when necessary.

Once they’ve apologized to each other, I remind them to play nice and then cut them loose. The two scurry out of the kitchen to go play.

We’ve been at the cabin for several days now. What started out as a one-time excursion that Delphine had organized for our family is now set to become a yearly tradition.

Days before Christmas, we pack up and drive a couple hours to Mount Halsey to celebrate the holiday in the snowy mountain landscape.

The kids love it and so does Delphine.

I’ve even grown to appreciate the time away from our busy lives in the city. Being a mafia don is an almost twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week obligation.

It’s nice to have this chance to get away and be together, doing things like eating good food, enjoying the snow, and gifting each other presents.

Leaving the kitchen behind, I find Delphine in the den with a book. She smiles up at me as she moves to stand. I make it to herfirst, bending down to drop a kiss on her lips and rest my hand on her round belly.

Six months into this pregnancy, and she’s having a harder time than the first three. The doctor recommended plenty of bed rest and time off her feet, and I intend on holding her to that.

“Everything’s good,” I say. “No need to worry. Turkey and ham are in the oven. Kids are playing and raising hell. The others should be here any second.”

“That’s good to hear. We’re getting hungry.”

I grin, feeling the soft curve of her belly. “We can’t have that. We’ve got to keep the two of you well fed.”

“You’ve done more than enough.”

The playful look on Delphine’s face says enough. She’s talking about more than tonight’s dinner.

I’m the one who got her pregnant.


All after she’d sworn Dante was our last. But what can I say? I never have been able to keep my hands off my beautiful wife.

That hasn’t changed even with pregnancy. Though Delphine’s fourth pregnancy has been rougher than the others, I’ve still found ways to pamper her.

Pleasure her.

Back and neck massages. Bath times. Eating out her delicious pussy whenever the mood strikes me and she’s extra needy.

Providing her with anything else she needs when the mood or craving strikes her.

The kids have also taken to helping out, excited about another sibling to play with. Dominic’s taken even more to the idea he’ll be a big brother again while Serena’s looking forward to having a sister to play with. Dante’s happy about the idea there will be a baby younger than he is.

I’m just grateful for what I have. I couldn’t be more fortunate.