“I want to return the favor,” Vic growled.
“Too late. I already came. Now I’m sticky.” Simon rose, grimaced at the wet spot in his underwear, and leaned in to give Vic a kiss. “Shower with me?”
Vic happily agreed, and they took their time under the warm water, rubbing out knots in sore shoulders and touching all over until they were both hard again. This time, Vic took their cocks in hand and worked them to release.
“Best dessert ever,” Simon sighed as they dried off, sated and warm.
They slipped under the sheets, pressing close together in bed. Vic wrapped his arms around Simon protectively.We’ll figure this out. I’ll keep you safe. Somehow.
That night, Vic’s dreams were dark, but inside the heavily warded house where the troll couldn’t reach, he knew they were fed not by magic but by his own misgivings. He startled awake, although Simon didn’t stir.
They’re just dreams. Not even projections from the troll. My imagination and fears running wild.
Not a prophecy or a sending. Not fated or pre-ordained. We can change it. Stop the troll. Save people, and protect Simon.
All we need is some magic—and a little luck.
The next morning, after a repeat of the previous night’s sexy times, Vic reluctantly left for the office.
“Keep me posted,” he told Simon. “And don’t get second thoughts about sneaking off without me. I’m going with you. End of story, period, that’s all she wrote.”
Simon chuckled despite the serious topic. “Okay. I get it. Together forever. And…thank you. Love you—stay safe.”
“You too.” Vic forced himself not to turn around before he got to the Hayabusa and roared away. He made sure his guardian bells were in place and that the sigils that Simon had marked in clear paint were unbroken.
Vic rode with extra caution. If the troll suspected that he was about to be challenged or constrained, he was likely to strike first. Vic and Simon wore protection, but the people around them were vulnerable to a powerful supernatural creature capable of creating illusions and using great strength.
Then again, if the troll overplayed his magic in plain view, it might attract too much attention. Vic hoped that meant that throwing cars around and breaking overpasses were out. That still left plenty of dangerous possibilities, like collapsing walls.
In the short drive between the bungalow and the office, the tow hitch broke on the SUV in front of Vic, setting a lawn equipment trailer loose, fishtailing across the lane.
Swearing under his breath, Vic swerved, narrowly avoiding the flatbed as well as oncoming traffic.
He pulled off to the side of the street a block later to catch his breath and still his hammering heart. The hapless SUV driver was claiming loudly to anyone who would listen that he had a chain and a padlock on the hitch that had somehow vanished.
Vic didn’t doubt him and chalked the incident up to another warning from the troll.
When his nerves steadied, Vic scanned the parking lot at the station before dismounting from his bike but didn’t see anyone loitering. He called Simon, who reacted immediately to something he must have heard in Vic’s voice.
“What’s wrong?” Simon sounded ready to drive over that very second.
“I’m okay.” Vic cut to the chase. “But I think the troll sent another message.” He told Simon about the incident and waited while Simon worked through his vocabulary of swear words.
“But you’re safe?” Simon asked, and Vic understood his need for reassurance.
“The bike and I are just fine. Not even a scratch. I feel bad for the SUV guy, but he’s never going to be able to explain a troll to his insurance company.”
“I’m not sure how to ward us when we are in open territory,” Simon admitted. “I’ll call Gabriella and see if she has any ideas. Please—don’t leave the office unless you have to, and be careful. I love you.”
“I will. You, too. Love you.”
When he stepped inside, Ross grabbed him before he had even finished pouring his coffee.
“I’ll take your cup into the office. You’ve got someone waiting for you,” Ross told him.
“Pretty sure it’s his witchy girlfriend, Maret. I guess she decided to join the team. She’s in the conference room. Already offered coffee.”