I froze, not knowing how to take his words. I let my hand drop and swung around onto the edge of my side of the bed. “There’s an adorable Christmas Marketplace in town where we can do some shopping before we go on our way. You can get some presents for your family if you’d like.”
He stood and studied me with a quiet intensity. “What makes you think I need to buy presents? They have everything they need.”
I gestured to the beat-up black duffel bag tossed in the corner of the room. “Maybe because that bag couldn’t possibly carry presents along with your clothes. And gifts aren’t about things people need. It’s about giving them something they want that they would not buy for themselves.”
He arched that damned eyebrow again, and I swore I would shave it off if he kept doing it. “Maybe I’m giving them gift certificates.”
“For tanning salons?” I retorted.
A ghost of a smile curved his lips. “No, they would be more interested in a Blood-Type Sampler Box, but they were out of stock at the warehouse.”
I stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. After a moment, Nick joined me, his laugh sounding a bit rusty but warming to a rich, deep sound. “I’m not sure Little Bethlehem has a blood bank with open shopping hours. I didn’t see that on their Chamber of Commerce website.”
He made a tsking sound. “And we stopped anyway? I’m disappointed in you.”
“I was more interested in the handcrafted ornaments and ice-skating rink. I’ll look for vampire-friendly things next time. Can you give me a list?”
He flashed some fang. “I’ll get back to you on that.”
Icouldn’t remember the last time I woke up hard and wanting a woman as much as I had that evening. My fangs had descended, and it took everything inside of me to not roll her on her back, kiss her senseless, and fuck her. I could feel the haze descending upon me, the mating frenzy my father had once discussed with me and my cousin to ensure we were prepared for the possibility, not that he thought it would ever happen for us.
It was rare for vampires to find their true mates. More often, we found a someone with whom we developed feelings and spent many years with, then moved on. Since we lived a long time, vampires often had multiple partners over their long years. Offspring were not guaranteed with every pairing. My father only had two, me and my sister. As far as I knew, he had no other mates or offspring, and he seemed content to remain with my mother, as did she.
I had to wonder if I was feeling the mating frenzy for Holly. My father had not discussed if it was possible to mate with a human. He would have never entertained the notion that it was even possible, but I had been feeling an increasing possessiveurge around her, a desire to taste her blood even when I was not hungry, and a reluctance to let her go at the end of the journey.
I sensed something was wrong. I should have been pushing to continue the journey. Pushed Holly to drive longer hours, not stop for inane little side shows. Yet, somehow, I indulged her desire to see tourist traps and holiday frivolity. Maybe it was a reluctance to get home or dread at what I would face at the end of my journey, but either way, I was resigned to spend part of the evening at a Christmas Marketplace, buying gifts for a family I hadn’t seen in more decades than Holly had been alive. What would I even buy my family? I didn’t know them anymore. But Holly was right. I shouldn’t go home empty-handed.
The water shut off in the connected bathroom, and visions of a naked and wet Holly danced through my brain. Who needed sugarplums when I had Holly? She was far sweeter and more desirable than anything else. Damn it. I had to get control of myself, or I’d find myself sinking my teeth and cock into her, sating all of my desires and probably scarring her for life.
“Nick? Are you okay?”
A hand landed on my shoulder, shaking gently, and I whirled around. Holly took a step back, her eyes widening. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. You didn’t respond when I got out of the bathroom. I wondered if you wanted to use the shower now.”
Oh god. How long had I been standing there in a trance? Holly stared at me, clutching an oversized cranberry-colored terry cloth towel to her chest. “I forgot my bag out here. I thought you might want to get in there so we could head out quicker. Your eyes are red again.”
Her expression was uncertain, and I cursed myself for scaring her. How could I tell her that it wasn’t a sign that I needed blood, but that I wanted her with every fiber of my being? That only her blood would satisfy me? Damn it. She wasterrified of me. This was why vampires and humans could never be together.
“It’s nothing. I’m just tired.”
I moved to go past her, and she reached for me, stopping me. “Nick? Are you sure?”
“It’s Nicholas, Holly,” I said and continued to the bathroom, closing the door behind me firmly, locking me in with the steam and vanilla and cinnamon scent unique to Holly. My cock hardened even further. At least there was something I could do about that.
Idon’t know who shoved a candy cane up Nick—Nicholas’s—ass, but I wish it would melt already. When we woke up, he was almost human, and I could forget he was a vampire, something I should be afraid of. He quickly shifted back to his stiff, unpleasant self, and I wondered if it had something to do with his red eyes. He denied it, twice, but I suppose he didn’t want to admit he was hungry, not to me, when I had been so adamant that I would never be his juice box. How could I admit that I had had several sexy dreams about him biting me, along with him doing other much more pleasant things to me?
When he got out of the bathroom, he was calmer, and his eyes were their normal dark brown. I didn’t think he found someone to bite in there, but what did I know? He followed me without a complaint to the Christmas Marketplace, and I couldalmost forget his attitude. This place was utter magic. Families were everywhere, enjoying the evening, which was cold with a hint of snow in the air, a perfect night to inspire the feeling of Christmas.
Music echoed through speakers strategically placed along the area, and carolers sang in small groups, dressed in Victorian outfits as they moved among the crowd. Vendors hawked their wares with booths of all kinds of gift items and special things. Not for the first time, I wished I had someone to buy gifts for, but being on the run and short of cash, I needed to reserve it all for my new life. Not to mention the fact that I had no one to buy anything for, anyway.
Reluctantly, I dropped a gorgeous, deep blue cashmere poncho and moved on. Nick—Nicholas—frowned. “Why didn’t you buy that poncho? You clearly loved it.”
“I also love chocolate and cinnamon rolls too, but I don’t eat them all the time either.” When he remained standing by the vendor stall, I turned back. “Nick—Nicholas, I don’t need it. Not right now. And I need to save my money until I find a new job wherever I’ll end up.”