Page 50 of Velvet Deception

Like the tattoo on his forearm indicating he was one of the Cartel’s soldiers.

What? Someone from the Cartel? Again?

The last time I’d been here, another Cartel man had spotted me—or Ramon. I had been so certain that Ramon was the target, not me. Now, though, as I was here alone and not with the son whom Sofia didn’t want to give back to the Cartel, I realized that those other men hadn’t been tailing us out of interest in Ramon, but inme.

Desperation fueled me. Too many questions had lingered for too long and I had to get an answer now. I had to reach this man and ask him who the hell he was. Who he thought I was.


I almost tripped over my feet at his greeting.

Itwasmy name. I’d suspected it was. The more I let it sit in my mind, I convinced myself that really was my name. But hearing it from someone other than Sofia and Ramon made it more believable.

“Where have you been?” he asked, smiling wide as he switched a toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other.

My instincts warned me to stay guarded. “Who are you?”

He furrowed his brow, sliding his sunglasses up to squint at me. “Huh?”

“Who are you?” I asked.

Seeing this man, a Cartel man, had me on the defense. I literally had no idea who he was or how he’d know me, but in asking him that, it seemed to look like I was playing dumb.

Fine. I would. Maybe that was wisest, to let him think that I was who he thought I was.

Because the idea that he could know me because of the Cartel stunned me. A chill swept over me at the thought that I could have been… one of them.

No. Stop jumping to conclusions.

“Diego.” He chuckled, like I was being ridiculous. “It’sme, Manny.” Shaking his head slightly, he laughed again. “Don’t be playing like that. Where the hell have you been?”

I didn’t reply, staring at him and failing to remember how I’d know anyone named Manny. I did. I was sure of it, but I couldn’t understand his significance in my life. Dread sickened me as more things started to slot into place.

The Cartel? No.I didn’t want to let my brain go down that path.

“Come on. Quit playing around. I know you kept sayin’ how you were due a break, but no one believed you.”

“A break from what?”

He huffed, sliding his sunglasses back down. “I said quit playing, man. I’m sick of doing runs without you. Without your help.”


Reaching out to pat my back, he smiled and tipped his head to the side to encourage me to walk with him. I dodged to the opposite side, evading his touch.

“Let’s go. I’m just leaving now, and you can come with me.”

I shook my head. I wasnotgoing anywhere with him.

“Diego.” His brow furrowed. “You have to come back, man.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I stepped back once, and he advanced. I did have an idea in my mind, but I didn’t like it. Not at all.

If he was suggesting I was ever involved with the Cartel…

No. Fuck no.

I turned, running and weaving through the crowd to get away from him. To get away from the suggestion that I could have been involved with the Cartel at all.