I shrugged. “Not really. Nor do I owe him anything.” If he got squirrely and didn’t want to talk, I’d rely on the good old staple of money. Side revenue was always a good motivator to get tongues loose and people talking.
We reached the door, and I knocked. He had to have noticed our arrival before we climbed onto the step. I was proven right when he opened the door a crack before the last tap of my knuckles on the wood finished sounding so loud.
In the jungle surrounding us, the birds and insects carried on, but here at his front door, the tension was a silent buildup of anxiety and intrigue.
“Miguel,” he greeted coolly, if suspiciously. At a first glance, he seemed high, but the longer I considered his stance and face, I realized he wasn’t too happy to face me on his turf. “Long time, no see.”
I smiled, falling into this ploy of comradery. “Looking good, Rueben. It has been a long time.”
He held his hand out for a shake, and I accepted it, leaning in to pat his back. We were keeping it friendly so far, but I didn’t want to drag out the chitchat. He didn’t seem to have the patience for that either.
“What brings you by?” he asked.
Getting straight to the point. I liked that.
“Louis Flores.” I lifted my face slightly, letting him know I would be blunt and direct about this.
He instantly scowled.
“What do you know about him?’
Rolling his eyes, he crossed his arms. “I know I ain’t got nothing to do with him.”
“I didn’t think you would.” Rueben was a low-level drug runner, sneaky and fond of eavesdropping or sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. “But what have you heard about him?”
“He’s got a hit on his head,” Rueben replied with a huff. “Again.”
He nodded. “He must think he’s got nine lives or something.”
Behind me, Isabel tucked closer to my back, hiding.
“He’s had hits on him on and off for years.”
“From the Cartel?” I asked.
“Mafia. Bratva. Even a fucking MC in the States.”
Damn. Louis really had been busy trying to fuck over anyone and everywhere.
“And the warrants for arrest,” Rueben added. “He’s got no shortage of people looking for him. Why are you?”
“Because I’m supposed to kill him.”
He grunted. “Get in line then, I guess.”
“Who’s behind the latest hit placed on him?”
“Gotta be the boss.”
I raised my brows, annoyed that I’d need to ask for clarification. “Carmello?”
He nodded. “Yeah. Of course.”
“Whyof course?” I hadn’t heard anything specific lately. Then again, I had been in Brazil for a couple of weeks on a different hit before I got that call from Drago to take out Louis.
“Are you playing dumb?”