Page 71 of Fall at Once

“Well, this isn’t awkward at all.” Her partner’s head tilted side-eye told the tale. “Take it easy, Cole. I got you.” He applied more cold water to my arm, and I sighed in relief, already feeling slightly better.

I leaned back on the gurney and closed my eyes. I felt terrible that I didn’t have it in me to comfort Tate right now. The two of them hadn’t seen each other in months.

“I’m fine. It’s fine. Rest,” he said as if he could read my mind. And who knew? He probably fucking could.

“I’m sorry, man.”

“I know you are.” He smirked. “It’s almost like I’ve known you my entire life.”

He touched my knee as Amber sped toward the hospital with the sirens blaring.

Chapter 23


Iopened my eyes to the bright lights of the ambulance bay at the back of the hospital.

Amber opened the doors, and I sat up. “I am not being wheeled in there. I can fucking walk.”

She grinned. “I wasn’t even going to ask. Let’s go.”

Tate avoided her eyes and got out before me to head through the doors toward the waiting room.

I followed her through the white halls and straight into a curtained-off space in the emergency room.

“It must be a slow night,” I observed. The place was practically empty.

“I called Dr. Taylor to meet you here. I heard—I know you’ve been having a hard time lately, Cole. Your mom and I still talksometimes, and I uh—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make this awkward?—”

“It’s okay, thank you. I appreciate it, and I’m sorry for acting like a dick?—”

“No apologies, I get it. You’re in pain. You’re frustrated. No worries, Cole. Take care of yourself.” She hugged me quickly and then took off.

I sat at the edge of the bed to wait for the doctor. A few minutes later, Tate popped his head in.

“Is the coast clear?”

“Yeah, she left. Someday, you’ll have to let me know what happened between you because I do not understand this one bit. She still talks to Mom. Did you know that?”

“Yeah, I know. But today is notsomeday, and I don’t want to discuss it.”

“Fair enough. I’m not pushy like you, so I’ll let it go. But I am here for you whenever you want to unload.”

“Touché, man. I hear you, and I know you’ll be here for me. So, what are we supposed to do, fucking sit here and wait without talking?”

He flipped his phone to check his messages after the notification went off. “Actually?—”

“Cole! Oh my god.” It was Madi.

Her cheeks were streaked with tears. She was wearing slippers on her feet and purple and white polka-dotted pajamas. I could hear her taking in deep breaths, trying to stop crying, as she power-walked her way toward me with her hair flopping aroundin a lopsided bun on top of her head.

She was fucking gorgeous. Everything flew out of my head the second I saw her. But she looked so worried, and I hated that I was the cause of it.

“Yeah, so, I texted her from the ambulance,” Tate whispered. “I thought it was the right thing to do. She wouldn’t be happy if she found out tomorrow. Don’t you think?”

I shot him a glare. The last thing I needed was to make her worry about me—the fewer people who know about this, the better.

“Madi, I’m okay. I promise. It’s just a little burn.” I shifted to the side so she could see my arm. “See? No big deal.”