After Natalie caught on, we did our best to keep Cole laughing while I aimed my camera and clicked away as he cracked up at our antics.
I knew I had a ton of good shots of him. He was gorgeous, and once we got rid of the nerves, the camera reflected that.
“All right, kids. Go stand by your dad.” They did what I asked, and I got a few more pictures for Cole to keep. “That’s a wrap!” I declared, wishing so badly I could somehow get a picture of the two of us together.
I wanted to remember this moment when I was back in Colorado Springs or to have it as a memento of an early day in our relationship, but I shoved the thought out of my head. I was being ridiculous and fanciful—we had no relationship, not yet, anyway.
“You guys go wait for me inside, okay?” Cole hopped down and sent his kids into the station.
I watched them go, waving at them before putting my camera away.
“I don’t know what to say, Madi.”
He was so tall in front of me. He was so freaking beautiful and wholly focused on me. It was intoxicating. I tilted my head back and grinned up at him. “You don’t have to say anything. I got some great shots.”
“You made this so easy. I was nervous.” He ran a hand through his hair and looked away. “I sometimes have a problem with being the center of attention.”
“I get it; you can be shy, and that’s okay.” I poked him in the stomach, and my eyes widened at the hardness of his abs. “But I told you I was a pro, didn’t I?” I teased.
“That you did, and I appreciate it, Madi. More than I can say.”
“Well, I’m happy I could, uh—” I fought the urge to throw myself into his arms and hug the crap out of him. My stomach swirled, and my heart was turning somersaults in my chest. “I’m just happy,” I finally said. It was the truth, after all. He made me happy every time I saw him. “It was fun being here with you. And your kids are amazing.”
At first, I tried so hard not to objectify him when I took his picture. But after a few moments, it was easy; he was more than just a man with a devastatingly handsome face and an unbelievable body. He was also self-effacingly funny, humble, and brave. He was a good dad and a gentleman, and he deserved to havethe pictures to show it. But I had to admit, he was still the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my entire life.
“Thank you. They like you a lot. Okay, well, I’ll get going. I have to drive the kids to my ex’s place.” He was saying goodbye but lingering.
“Yeah, okay, bye, Cole.” I zipped my camera into the case and grabbed the light while avoiding his eyes.
It felt like we should kiss or at least hug. Something was pulling us together, but for some reason, we ignored it—maybe because we were in public or because his kids were so close by.
“See you tomorrow night,” he said as he stood on the sidewalk looking at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
“Yep.” I breathed. “My brownies and I will be there at six.”
“Can’t wait.” He turned and headed to the station’s lobby entrance. Then stopped to turn back and wave at me.
Even though I didn’t get a kiss, it felt like I was drifting on a cloud as I crossed the street to get into Kenzie’s car and drive back to my place.
I found her waiting for me on one of the Confectionery’s outside tables. She was sipping an iced tea and furiously texting someone on her phone.
“Let’s go upstairs.” She stood. “You’re going to spill your guts, and I mean everything—all of it. The look on your face is telling a thousand tales. And at least half of them are dirty.”
I unlocked the door, and we hurried up to my place.
“I’ll never get over today, Kenzie.”
The sight of the shirtless Cozy Creek Fire Brigade was mostlikely permanently burned into my retinas. No matter how hard I tried to force it out, it wouldn’t get out of my brain.
And Cole?Gah! Was I falling for him? I was pretty sure it was happening. The crush was growing, and I was powerless against it.
She grabbed Kenny and flopped on my sofa. He curled up on her chest, purring his brains out while Sage perched on the chair above my shoulder. Victor was in his usual spot by the fireplace, silently judging us as we poked over the day’s events.
“I get you.” She shot me a grin. “I don’t even like any of them that way, and I won’t be over it any time soon, either. And freaking Tate? Who knew he was hiding all that sexiness under his shirt? Did you?”
“I had no idea. I mean, we probably should have, though. They run all over town like they’re being chased.”