Page 44 of Fall at Once

“What?” I hissed. “He’s here? Are you trying to set me up—I thought—but you just said—” I was stammering in confusion because what the hell was going on?

“Hell, no.” Abigail drew her head back on her neck, and her eyes widened. “Fuck that guy, and I mean that, Madi. Fuck. Him. Shit, shit, shit. Riley, he’s coming this way withher.”

“Her?” I twisted in my seat but couldn’t see above the back of the booth. “What do you mean,her? What her? Who her?”

Ross was here? In Cozy Creek?

With another woman? Who?

I took a glance around the side of the booth.

“That’s Hanna Hadley,” I said through my teeth at Riley. “Whatis she doing with him?”

“We know who she is,” she gritted back. “Her grandma is frenemies with Gigi, and her mother, Heather, is currently attempting to screw her way through the Fire Brigade—she’s not having much luck, though. Ask Mom, they went to high school together, and Mom can’t stand her. Those three Hadley ladies are trouble.”

“What do you two know? Is this why we’re here? Also, frenemies? I had no idea. Gigi never said a word to me about that.”

“Well, you’ve never been to a poker game. That’s probably why it never came up. The Hadley’s are, uh, not great. Gigi is all about keeping your friends close and your frenemies closer. It’s better to see shit coming, you know? She likes to keep an eye on them.”

“What the fuck is he doing here?” Abigail was still fretting. But I needed answers.

“Riley, please. Tell me what’s happening.”

“He’s nothing but a selfish prick, Madi.” She took my other hand. “He promised to let us tell you first. He swore he’d stay out of Cozy Creek until you knew everything and had time to process.”

“Process what? Does Gigi know what’s going on?”

“No. Nobody knows anything as far as we can tell—including her family. He’s dating Hanna Hadley, Madi. I’m so sorry. Abigail and I saw them coming out of his apartment when we went to pick up the rest of the things you left there.”

“Wait a minute.” My hand went to my chest. “Back up. Is he seeing someone else? Already? Are you sure?”

Ross wasn’t a commitment phobe.

It was me. He didn’t want to committo me.

I didn’t want him anymore. I didn’t even miss him.

But this fuckinghurt.

What was wrong with me? Why hadn’t he wanted me? I would have made a great fucking wife, damn it.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, snatched a napkin from the table, and dabbed it beneath my eyes as I stared into the light above our table, trying to blink back the rapidly forming tears.

“You guys.” I waved a hand to fan it in front of my face and bounced in my seat. ”I think I’m going to cry. I don’t want to cry. Tell me to knock it off.”

“No. Stop. You are not crying over that asshole. Don’t you dare. You’re going to be fine,” Riley all but growled. “I’ll fucking make sure of that. Don’t you worry about a thing, Madison. I got you. Do not look outside of this booth. They’ve stopped near the bar for a second.Shh.”

“He’s a goddamn prick, and I never liked her,” Abigail stated pointedly as she stabbed a fingertip at the top of the table. “Say the word, and I’ll smack her around for you. Him too. He’s tall, but I think I can take him. I’m pretty fucking pissed right now, and liquor gives me courage. No one fucks with family.” I almost laughed. She sounded like a mafia guy.

“That’s sweet of you, Abigail, but no thank you. The last thing we need is a scene. You guys, is he coming over here—with her? What the hell am I supposed to do?”

“Act like you don’t care,” Riley answered under her breath. “We’ll get rid of him.”

“I don’t care. But also, I do. I have never had this feeling before?—”

“Get rid of him? No way,” Abigail protested. “There are three fucking drinks left on this table. He will be wearing at least one of them when he leaves. But don’t worry, we can get more.”

“No. Please,” I begged her. “Don’t start anything. I don’t want that, then everybody will know something is going on. I just want to go home. Get me out of here. Do not cause a scene, Abigail.”