Page 37 of Breakup Games

His hands land on her waist.

Oh, fuck no.

“Matt,” she says in protest and brings her hands up, trying to push him away.

“Come on, baby.” Enzo steps in and I’m already pulling my headset off, ready to jump out and take the motherfucker down. Because no one touches Mira and gets away with it.




Idon’t know how I’m going to get out of this one unscathed. Or, rather, how I’m going to push Enzo back, tell him that I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole if I was paid a million dollars, and then want him to see me again.

“Baby,” he tries again and my stomach churns. I’m not his damn baby. “Let’s go back to my place. I’ll treat you right, take care of some business, and then we’ll go shopping in the morning. Anywhere you like.”

“Oh wow,” I say, hoping I can stall him by talking. “That’s so generous of you.”

“I’ve been told I’m generous in other areas, too.”

His hands, which are already on my waist, tighten as his fingers press into me—painfully. He takes a step forward, trying to press against me.

Suddenly, a car door slams and the sound of footsteps fills the air. A group of passersby gasp and Enzo turns. I use the distraction to break away, seeing a man in dark clothing sprint toward us. He pulls his shirt up, covering most of his face, and dark shadows are cast over his eyes. I should be scared, yet for some reason I know right away that it’s Mason.

Coming to save me, so to speak.

He plows right into Enzo, shoulder bumping him away and makes a grab for my purse. His fingers graze over mine, and the feeling of his skin against me offers more comfort than I want to admit. I don’t need to be saved. I don’t need some big macho man to literally run over here and push away the bad guy.

I can do that myself. Depending on someone else to provide a sense of safety and security for you is a surefire way to get hurt.

“What the hell?” Enzo spins around, and I swing my purse in front of me, putting a physical barrier between us. Clothing it to my chest, I pull my shoulders in and act scared. “I think I should call the police. That guy was totally going to try and mug us.”

“No, you shouldn’t.”

“Why? Are you going to go after him?” I pretend to dial 911.

Enzo tenses. “Why would I do that?”

“To stop the bad guy?”

He blinks a few times then tries to reach for me. “I’ll keep you safe.”

“Oh, hang on.” I bring the phone to my ear, letting my hair fall over so you can’t see that the screen is either black or my lock screen. “Yes, um, the corner of Canal and Lake Street.”

Enzo backs away. He knows he can’t get involved with the police, especially if something really is going down with his family.

“I…I’ll go look for the guy.” His eyes are wide, not knowing how to sweet talk his way out of this one. When someone like this is cornered, their go-to would be to insult me and then get out of the situation. Which is exactly what he does. “I still think you’re overreacting but if that’s what you want.”

“Oh, that would be amazing.” I put on a cheesy smile, pretending to swoon. “My hero.”

And now he’s puffing out his chest, loving that he gets to play the part of hero—even though I know he’s just going to dip out.

“Yes, I’m here,” I say into the phone. “Some guy tried to grab my purse and mug me. Yes, I’m fine. My boyfriend scared him off.” I can’t help myself. Enzo doesn’t like titles and he’s not interested in a relationship. I haven’t cleared my Andie fromHow to Lose a Guy in Ten Daysplan with Mr. FBI yet, but this is getting too close for my own comfort.

And after the shit I’ve been through, I will never allow another man to push me out of my own boundaries ever again.

“I think he went that way.” Enzo steps back. “I’ll find the motherfucker.”