“Does that mean the rest of the questions are going to be about whether I’d rather have donuts or burgers for the rest ofmy life, or the ability to fly and never eat sweets, because I’d rather watchGame of Thrones.”

“GoogleWould You Rather questions for adults.”

“My phone’s in the guest room,” I say.

Owen grabs his from the charger, unlocks it, and tosses it my way. “Here you go. Use mine.”

“Thanks, though I have to admit I’m a little shocked you didn’t tell me to GoogleWould You Rather dirty questions,” I say playfully.

Owen’s lips curve into a grin. “I didn’t saynotto GoogleWould You Rather dirty questionseither.”

Oh, well this is getting good then. This is feeling like foreplay. Come to think of it, this whole day feels like foreplay.

Bring it on.

I click on the search bar in Owen’s phone browser when a light blue icon flashes on the home screen for a dating app, along with a notification from the app:Don’t forget to finish your profile soon, Guy With Glasses.

My muscles tighten. I clench my teeth. He’s using the app for finding long-term relationships? A flare of red-hot envy bursts in my chest.

“When did you get on Boyfriend Material?” I ask, and holy shit. Did that come out dripping with jealousy?

Owen scratches his chin. “About thirty minutes ago.”

What the hell?

I point to the floor, like I need to clarify exactly what he means. “While you were here? In the cabin?” My voice shoots up.

He laughs lightly. “Yeah, since that’s where I was thirty minutes ago, River.”

My jaw ticks, and I’ve got to rein in the thrashing dragon in my chest. It’s knocking all my good-guy circuits loose. I’m feeling all sorts ofyou’re minealpha-y, and that is not my jam.But right now, itismy jam. “And why did you decide to get on Boyfriend Material then?”

Owen’s brow knits, but he keeps smiling. “It was on my mind. You asked me what I want in one. You asked about Ezra. We were literally discussing relationships. So I was thinking about next steps.” He’s so easygoing, like this is no big deal.

It’s a huge deal.

Owen looking for a boyfriend is a horrifying deal, and I want to rewind time so he can get off that app immediately.

“Yes, and you said,I want to be good to someone. Someone who wants me to be good to him,” I say, repeating the words I memorized. Words that lit up my mind, that squeezed my heart. “I just didn’t realize you were going to do it so soon.”

He shrugs casually. “The timing felt right. Why do you look like you just saw a cat opening a door with his paws?”

I flap my hands around, hunting for an acceptable answer. “I just didn’t think you’d do it now,” I say, but my reply doesn’t make sense.

It makeslessthan sense.

Owen tilts his head, regarding me like I’m an oddity. “No time like the present. Besides, you were telling Declan and Grant the other night you wanted Cupid to shoot an arrow at you, and you didn’t sound like you meant in two years’ time. You saidwould it kill either the Greek heartthrob or the smug little Valentine’s baby to throw some arrows my way? I guess it’s just in the air. All this relationship talk.”

“You remember what I said at the bar?”

“It was kind of memorable,” Owen says with an easy shrug.

And so isthismoment.

Right here.

In front of the fireplace.

In a cabin, where we’re snowed in.