Owen:How long do you take to shower, man? Are you taking a spa shower with hot stones and gardenia lavender body wash or something?

Rolling my eyes, I tap out a reply.

River:I just went for a three-mile hike. This body doesn’t come in a bottle. I gotta work for it!

Owen:Mine does. I ordered it online. Try it sometime. But you didn’t answer the question. What kind of showers do you take? Are you getting hosed down in there by the men’s swimming team?

River:If that were happening, I’d need much more than an hour, I assure you.

Owen:I’m assured. But I feel confident that’s not happening. So, I ask again. What’s the story with you and showers? I’m in and out in five minutes and out the door in fifteen.

River:Are you bragging about being speedy?


River:It’s not??? Since when???

Owen:Fine. One percent of things aren’t about sex. Anyway, see you in an hour after you take the world’s longest shower. Also, don’t answer why they take so long.I knowwhy.

River:It’s not the shower that takes that long. It’s everything I have to do. For the record, I’m in freaking Muir Woods! I have to get across the bridge, drive to Russian Hill, go to my house, take a shower, grab my bag, Delilah’s bag, the food stuff, a jacket, get back in the car, and then drive to Hayes Valley to pick up your sarcastic ass. Think about everything I’m pulling off—I’m like Flash.

Owen:River, areyoubragging about being speedy?

I huff. Damn him, getting me all twisted. I bang out a final note.

River:See you in fifty-five minutes on the goddamn dot.

Forty minutes later, I give my girl her well-deserved organic biscuit, then Delilah and I bound down the front steps of my building to my wheels. As I click the key fob, my phone rings.

Rolling my eyes in anticipation of Owen giving me a hard time about who the hell knows what, I hit answer before I check who’s calling.

“I’m on my way. I did not take a shower in gardenia body wash. I used forest rain, and it’s super manly. And you better be ready.”

A deep laugh rumbles across the phone line. “Well, I guess that makes things clear. Also, someone is bossy.”

Oh. That’s not Owen.

Opening the door, I toss my overnight bag on the floor of the back seat. “My bad. I thought you were Owen. Hi Grant,” I say.

“And does Owen like it when you’re bossy?”

“I wouldn’t know,” I say, but that raises an excellent question. Does he like bossy in bed?

Dirty brain, wash your lobes out with soap.

“Want me to ask for you? I’ll be all secret-y and shit when I ask.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I say, staying strong, doing my damnedest to refocus my mind. Who cares what he likes in bed?

“Clearly, since you’re already at the stage where you’re telling him how manly you smell,” he says, and I can hear Declan laughing in the background.

I pat the back seat for Delilah. “In you go, girl,” I tell her and the perfect pet leaps inside, then I click her in. “Anyway, thank you again for covering for me this weekend. I appreciate it somuch. Did you check The Lazy Hammock insta? The guys are going crazy knowing you and the shortstop will be manning the bar. I bet this will be our biggest weekend ever.”

“And we’re ready. As long as I don’t have to mix drinks.”

“All you have to do is look pretty and serve them. Ergo, be yourself,” I say, heading to the driver’s side and sliding in. “Anyway, I need to head to Hayes Valley, so I should hang up unless you need something.”

“Actually, Declan does. His mom has a cabin in Markleeville, about thirty minutes outside of Tahoe,” Grant says, in the universalI-need-a-favorvoice.