Present Day
It’s just a fact—the bigger the dick, the bigger the dick.
Which sucks, and not in a good way. Is it fair that the guys who are packing are also lacking—oh, you know—common courtesy? No.
The Big Dick Law is one of the sadder items onMy List of Ignore at Your Peril Life Lessons. Some of the others?
Texting an ex is always a bad idea.
So isjust one more shot. Anything that seems like a good plan when you’re drunk... isn’t. As a bartender, I can refuse to serve you that last drink, but you’re on your own if you forget Lesson #1.
Life is too short to take yourself too seriously.
Whatever the problem, a blow job is often the answer.
Trusted friends are priceless. Men come and go, but your friends will stick with you when the big dicks don’t.
But I’m not bitter about those guys. Anyone who walks out of my life is gone for a reason.
Besides, it’s not as if I’m always the walk-ee.
This man is not afraid to walk away. I’m not clingy, I don’t hang on too long, and I sure as hell know when to saysee you later, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. There’s no need to give your heart, time, or skills to just anyone.
If a man wants what I have going on, he damn well better deserve what I bring to the table.
And the bedroom.
And the shower.